Example sentences of "[coord] went straight to the " in BNC.

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1 She arrived at work at a quarter to nine and went straight to the studio .
2 After four years in the Royal Artillery , Dignam was invalided out of the army and went straight to the Arts Theatre , where he was a delightfully tongue-in-cheek Shavian Angel and a foxy Claudius , proving Stanislavsky 's adage , as Agrippa in the Anthony Quayle/Edith Evans Antony and Cleopatra , that there are ‘ no small parts ’ .
3 We flew out on Saturday and went straight to the Mar Y Sol to meet Tanit the Island God .
4 Corbett continued into Inverkeithing and went straight to the ale-house where he had told Ranulf to meet him .
5 ‘ He was in a hurry to catch a train and went straight to the platform , fully intending to buy a ticket on the train or at his destination , ’ the spokesman said .
6 The young man looked very pale and went straight to the door .
7 On Monday morning Greg had no classes before eleven , so he took the early bus to Burnley and went straight to the Public Library .
8 He must have taken a short cut that she had n't noticed on her way down , as they arrived back at the house sooner than she was expecting and went straight to the veranda , where Faye still lay on the lounger , enjoying a long drink of iced water .
9 Not having any time to think about it , Dave left work and went straight to the airfield .
10 We by-passed the town and went straight to the former station , which is actually not in the town itself , but at Minllyn .
11 She turned away from Tracy Johnson and went straight to the woman in the chair .
12 With a white , set face , she left the office and went straight to the ladies ' powder-room , breaking down in private and crying silent , bitter tears .
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