Example sentences of "[coord] have [art] [adj] effect " in BNC.

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1 In any case , most laboratory mutations either die out or have no obvious effect , or merely improve the growth and manageability of the strain .
2 Your response and attitude can help to increase sales — or have the opposite effect .
3 An important principle of treatment is that it should control the hypertension to an acceptable degree , be free from side-effects and not cause either an unacceptable deterioration of glycaemic control or have an adverse effect on blood lipids .
4 So in some areas the Commission has only issued a recommendation or communication , which are merely persuasive and have no legal effect , such as in the area of social protection , child care , minimum income and persons living in frontier regions .
5 This may seem a lot , but with many brine shrimp nauplii not being eaten by the fry the water could soon become polluted and have a detrimental effect on the fry , whereas ‘ little and often ’ water changes keep pollutants diluted .
6 However , a really creative approach can be a great attention-fixer and have a lasting effect .
7 They are severe and have a devastating effect on his personality , his physical well-being and his mental state .
8 It was felt that married servants — especially if both servants worked in the same house — tended to be more stable , and have a stabilising effect on the younger , unattached members of staff . "
9 In the case of breast-feeding mothers , some of the toxins from the cigarettes that enter the bloodstream are passed into the milk and have a direct effect on the baby 's delicate stomach lining .
10 That would push up mortgage interest rates and have a catastrophic effect on the prospects for recovery , Mr Mellor said .
11 These are not essential , and have the undesirable effect of stimulated the liver to produce more cholesterol , and raising its level in the blood .
12 However , some chemical peelers may also be an irritant and have the unfortunate effect of giving you irritated red patches as a side effect .
13 Deer cause habitat degradation , attacking forestry and agriculture and have an adverse effect on wildlife generally .
14 ICI 's programme has centred on alternatives which include the ‘ Klea ’ family of HFC refrigerants , which are ozone-benign and have an insignificant effect on global warming , as well as a range of non-fluorocarbon alternatives .
15 The Philip Morris doctrine means that a merger may be caught by Article 85 if at least two competitors or potential competitors are involved and if the market behaviour of one or more of those concerned in the merger is likely to be influenced so as to distort competition and have an appreciable effect on trade between the Member States .
16 The financial needs of the family , the demands of a career and the needs of a father in his own right directly affect his availability to his children and have an indirect effect through the support he can offer his partner .
17 Value properties , for me , are really there in the world quite apart from a valuer 's responses to it , but have a necessary effect on the will of him who knows of them .
18 But for epigenetic chemicals , Albert would use a combination of this method and the system used for simply toxic , non-carcinogenic substances , like cyanide , that are poisonous but have a one-time effect only .
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