Example sentences of "[coord] apply for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Revenue has confirmed that interest credited to the income account will constitute taxable income in the beneficiary 's hands ( either when it is credited in the case of a life tenant , or when it is paid or applied for the benefit of a discretionary beneficiary ) .
2 A clause along the following lines could be inserted in the trust deed if it is intended that the same be effective for income tax purposes : No part of the capital , capitalised income , or income shall in any circumstances whatsoever be paid or lent to or applied for the benefit of the settlor or any spouse of the settlor for the time being .
3 A member of a local branch of the union claimed that this could be viewed as a ‘ rolled up ’ ballot question , and applied for the Commissioner 's assistance .
4 She 'd heard of an opening for a showroom model at one of the better fashion houses on the Via Monte-napoleone ; despite the agency 's insistence on scouting all jobs itself , she had gone around to the house and applied for the position herself , listing International Models as representing her .
5 He went down to the farm and applied for the job .
6 It had seemed such a marvellous idea at the time , to leave behind her northern home town , the scene of all her unhappy memories , and to apply for the job Caro had just vacated , to take over Caro 's lease .
7 The discretionary power as to costs conferred by section 51(1) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 applies to costs ‘ of and incidental to proceedings ’ and applies for the purpose of determining ‘ by whom and to what extent the costs are to be paid . ’
8 When Gilbert decided to leave London and apply for the post of curator at the museum of the newly established Natural History Society of Shrewsbury , Gould wrote a glowing letter of recommendation on his behalf .
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