Example sentences of "[coord] sell them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once a bank purchases such bills it can hold the bills to maturity or sell them in a secondary market to any other bank(s) .
2 It was still unthinkable to see him without his sketchbook and pencil , but of the hundreds and hundreds of drawings he made , he gave away many or sold them for a few francs .
3 The end result will be no different whether the shareholder takes up his or her rights or sells them in the market ; the end value of the holding will remain unchanged .
4 Haymarket had intended to set up a computer business with over 20 staff to build its own PCs under the brand Eyecon and sell them through a dealer network .
5 And er I remembering Dad , once he bought a cherry tree , and went up to get all these here cherries off the trees , and when we got them we used to wipe them and put them in a bag , and sell them at the fairs .
6 In other words , management must continue to develop their own professional skills and sell them to the best bidder .
7 go and take them to France and sell them to the French
8 Perhaps we could instigate a national drive to recycle on a grand scale — from restaurants , BR etc — and sell them as a peat alternative !
9 First of all , he could borrow dollars from the Fritz Bank and sell them in the spot market for DMs .
10 At one time we kept pigs and used to feed them up with the waste food and sell them in the market .
11 In the absence of transactions costs and the option premium this series of contracts would permit the investor to buy the shares at 220p from the writer and sell them in the market for 237p thus gaining a gross profit of 17p per share .
12 Hawkins , a Devon merchant , had seen that the demand for slaves from Africa was increasing in South America , and in 1562 he sailed — in the way many Englishmen were to do in the seventeenth and eighteenth century — to West Africa , bought slaves , took them to the Caribbean ports , and sold them at a profit .
13 ( She kept the combings and sold them to a wig-maker when there was a suitable quantity , because the texture of her hair and its being pure white made it especially suitable for his work . )
14 ESSENTIALLY a cutesy platform romp , New Zealand Story ( Master System ) tells the tale of a rather dodgy walrus who has kidnapped loads of kiwi chicks and sold them to a zoo in New Zealand .
15 The local officers , usually J.P.s , and known as undertakers , then bought goods at market prices and sold them to the household at royal prices .
16 Mr Osenat nevertheless put the paintings up for sale at their estimate , FFr2.5 million and sold them in the space of a few seconds to the town 's Mayor ( who is also , ironically , Chairman of the Board of the Hospital ) , who then donated them to the museum on behalf of the town .
17 The implications for individual managers are that ‘ increasingly it will come to be seen as the individual 's responsibility to maintain , alter or boost his skills , to find the right market for his skills and to sell them to the appropriate buyer ’ .
18 ‘ And I thought I could make mine by designing and making better products , and selling them to the world , ’ said Mark .
19 The market dealer acquiring the shares and selling them to the company is subject to a special tax regime ( ICTA 1988 , s95 ) .
20 Children were now gathering vast quantities of the pale mauve cyclamens and selling them along the main road to Trieste or at the railway station at Sesljan ( Sistiana ) .
21 Woodway Park School , Coventry , is assembling kits for bio-reactors — special vessels in which bacteria can be put to work — and selling them at a profit to other schools across the country .
22 The brothers had a wood business , buying old trees from the various farmers , cutting them into logs and selling them around the locality .
23 , Flora Jane ( 1876–1947 ) , writer , was born in Juniper Hill , a hamlet in north-east Oxfordshire , 5 December 1876 , the eldest child in the family of four daughters and two sons of Albert Timms , a stonemason , originally from Buckingham , and his wife Emma , a nursemaid , daughter of John Dibber from Stoke Lyne , an ‘ eggler ’ , who took his pony and cart around local farms , collecting eggs and selling them in the market town .
24 Under its agreement with IBM Corp , Intel Corp can only sit back and watch while IBM stuffs its versions of the Intel iAPX-86 microprocessor family into boards and sells them on the OEM market , and yesterday , IBM 's Electronic Card Assembly & Test Plant in Charlotte , North Carolina announced contracts totalling $344m to manufacture personal computer planar boards for two California firms : Eteq Microsystems Inc in Milpitas and that new company , Alaris Inc , just formed by those Everexes in Fremont ( CI No 2,121 ) .
25 And rather than asking for commission from suppliers he often buys the weapons himself and sells them at a profit .
26 laughing up their sleeves , ca n't even bloody sell anything , but sell them at a profit .
27 The group did not exercise its rights but sold them to a third party for £200,000 .
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