Example sentences of "[coord] hope for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Glad of our meeting in Vancouver and hope for a reunion in New York , Moscow , Samarkand or the Volga ’ .
2 The adventurers could use the information to denounce the suppliers to the authorities and hope for a reward ( or perhaps a Chaos cult declaring war on them ) , or less scrupulous characters might turn to blackmail , either for money or for magical training .
3 Strategists decided that Japan 's only chance of victory was to deliver a pre-emptive strike against the US and hope for a series of lightning victories which would force the allies to the negotiating table .
4 The barrage could have been a symbol of determination and hope for the Merseyside region .
5 This process not only gives identification and hope for the newcomer , it also reminds the old-timers that they forget at their peril how life used to be .
6 All his energy was concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other , to get out to the Lock before Marie provoked Simon into uncoiling his other self , the one hidden behind the attentive , polite , charming Simon in whom Marie had invested so much of her trust and hope for the future .
7 There is some pardon to be had , and hope for the future .
8 When life seems strange , uncertain and frightening , the church should provide a sanctuary from which emanates understanding , support and the possibility of new attachments in all their variety and hope for the future .
9 Yet in the 1930s the Soviet experiment , in the eyes of Western intellectuals , had a monopoly on health , vitality , youth and hope for the future .
10 One colour stands for Jamaica 's natural resources and sunshine , one for its agriculture and hope for the future and the last one for the nation 's past and present troubles .
11 It gives many people a purpose to life and hope for the future .
12 Although we can not control some of the key factors which determine our success , neither can we sit by and hope for a turn of fortune .
13 Like her , the General had prayed and hoped for the violet 's return , and now it had come and it would surely blossom more gloriously than ever before .
14 He was by then utterly winded , and hoping for a respite .
15 Intensely shy but always wanting to be good , she went round the ‘ table ’ , kissing each one of us and hoping for a hug in return .
16 England have to put Turkey under pressure and by that I do n't mean lumping balls into their box and hoping for a break .
17 ‘ Well , if you must know , that I 'm just waiting and hoping for the chance to marry you some day . ’
18 The second from Joan Daniels thanking the teachers for her garden chair presented on her retirement from Office as Honorary Treasurer at the AGM and hoping for the weather to use it .
19 From the 1690s , for instance , discontent with the policies of Louis XIV gathered around his grandson , the Duke of Burgundy , and hoped for a change of course with his accession to the throne ; while in the last two decades of the reign of Catherine II her son , the Grand Duke Paul , acted as the focus of potential opposition .
20 If only he had known enough , he might have come privately and hoped for a reward !
21 Tea was very bad for children , Nicandra knew , but in her exhilarated state she accepted it happily , and hoped for a slice of soda-bread to go with it .
22 In recession , there is little but hope for the future that a party in Government can offer industry .
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