Example sentences of "[coord] have worked [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She equipped herself with secretarial skills when her family was growing up , and has worked for many interesting people and for the Diocese of Bath and Wells with Bishop John Bickersteth .
2 He also plays regularly with various brass ensembles and has worked with many London orchestras .
3 She took her doctorate in the study of the UFO movement itself , and has worked with several British researchers on what has turned out to be an illuminating project .
4 John joined the company in 1978 and has worked on several platforms including [ Auk A. Brent A ] and [ C. Forties A.B C ] and D , the [ Hutton TLP , Murchison ] and [ Beatrice A ] and B.
5 Erm we 've also , there 's also a bit of homework in there , do you remember that was given out erm one of the early sessions , and you will be expected to have erm thought quite a lot about that and to have worked through that .
6 Mr Walker , formerly of Rawson Road , Seaforth , was well-known in theatrical Continued on Page 3 Continued from Page 1 circles , and had worked on such musical successes as Annie , Chess , and Annie Get Your Gun .
7 That Cheetah has the name ‘ Bert ’ engraved on it as a permanent memorial to Bert Mason who has worked unstintingly on bringing the Cheetahs back to life and had worked at 42 AS during the war years .
8 Previously with the prominent British executive search firm of Whitehead Mann , he had spent eight years in industry , and had worked in general consulting with HAY-MSL after a distinguished academic record at Cambridge .
9 A not untypical background of an early headhunter was someone who had had general management experience and had worked in one or more functional roles , and then found themselves , for the best of reasons , on the market .
10 I 'm already a mountain instructor and have worked at national centres and as a freelance guide .
11 family and they put me onto valium , but having worked in psychiatric I knew the results of valium , so I I gradually broke them down and got off them but for six full months I could n't sleep
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