Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] stand [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There is a great difference between , on the one hand , voting Labour in a constituency which spread beyond the boundaries of the colliery village , and , on the other hand , being seen to organize a local Labour party or even to stand against the colliery manager and the old elite .
2 Lucy Downes was in , and soon stood at the door : an attractive , slim , fair-haired woman in her early thirties , dressed in a summerish cotton suit of pale green , with a light-beige mackintosh over her left arm .
3 I put one foot on his shoulder and as I climbed up , making room for him , he raised himself and finally stood on the platform , helping me as far as possible .
4 They approach the Ben from its wide whale-backed side , and hence stand at the top of these cliffs without being able to view them .
5 The result was that it had been increased only twice and now stood at the princely sum of £30 .
6 The filter was constructed as shown in the diagram and then stood on the wooden crosspieces on top of the vat .
7 She got ready for bed and then stood on the balcony looking at the moonlit night and the mountains .
8 People gathered in groups outside the burger place ; others went to buy cigarettes from the Indian shop on the corner and then stood at the bus stop .
9 She went steadily through the scullery where only a tap dripped in the quiet , and then stood outside the closed kitchen door , and called .
10 She walked slowly to the door , and then stood by the door and looked at her daughter again .
11 So that 's that 's the way to use that is not to talk to it but to have a silence while you 're writing er and then to stand at the side while you making the points that are that are associated with what you 've written up .
12 Once we decanted ourselves and our luggage , rushed over the bridge and there standing in the bay was our special favourite , the Bishop 's Castle train .
13 Yes you 're quite right there because part of the street , the pavement and hard standing in the gardens for the cars which was a very good idea , now there 's the city have done two thirds of that and then when they came to the end of the er cul-de- sac ,
14 The club mascot , a statue of Our Lady Vulnerata ( the wounded Maradona ? ) was hacked about in 1589 by some ( Lord ) Essex supporters on their way back from Cadiz , but still stands in the chapel , a focus of prayer .
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