Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] consider " in BNC.

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1 I looked after my mother I was the youngest of our family , and I did n't consider that I was doing something unusual , it was my duty .
2 Our patients were manifesting potentially dangerous hypoxaemia , and we did not consider it ethically appropriate to withhold this form of treatment .
3 The reason why a cut in members ' allowances was not in our budget is I think we did n't consider it and we did n't consider it because the figures involved are so small that it was n't a matter which was , as I say , worthy of financial comment , although I accept it has a political dimension .
4 He had led an exciting life in boxing circles before he went away to the war and he did not consider himself to lack nerve , but the plan the little shifty-eyed character was setting out made Billy want to get up and leave right away .
5 But I had n't considered the implications of a twin sister on Donna 's illness .
6 She told her that it had been suggested to her that she should remain behind to rest , but she did not consider her darling Thomas would have approved of this .
7 But they had n't considered the rest of the poem , which was the ultimate feminist statement .
8 The owner of the estate , American John Kluge , agreed in principle to sell the estate to the crown rather than put it on the open market , but he did not consider the resulting offer to be high enough .
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