Example sentences of "[coord] [pos pn] lack [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And I do n't know which has nagged at me most , the lack of courage shown by this brave man in fending me off and declining to discuss what he had done , or my lack of courage in declining to write about it .
2 This is best explained , not by suggesting that they do not have interests in common or that they are satisfied with things as they are , but by attending to the crushing significance of those ideas in society which preach that to be poor is an individual 's own fault and reflects his or her lack of preparedness to study and train , to work hard , to postpone having a family , or what have you .
3 But the advent of the Nationalists , though hard to analyse , did suggest that there were votes to be won or lost , at least in Scotland and Wales , on the public 's sense of remoteness from decision-taking or its lack of knowledge of the existing degree of devolution to the Scottish and Welsh Offices and on the general confusion as to which body was responsible for what .
4 He instinctively held the aircraft on course without being intimidated by its power or his lack of experience .
5 The boy came over and put his arm round me , as if he could not quite believe my laughter and my lack of agitation .
6 Even so , I did feel an enormous sense of anti-climax in the 200 metres heats and semi-finals ; I had not been through this in the Commonwealth Games because of my injury , and my lack of experience showed .
7 The Communist International failed to turn any political situation to its advantage during the years 1917 to 1935 , largely because of the rigidity of its model and its lack of interest in the actual conditions of Latin America .
8 History has indeed been history , with its bias towards ‘ great men ’ and ‘ great battles ’ , and its scanty coverage of family or society history and its lack of interest in ‘ great times of peace ’ .
9 It may not be perfect , and it inevitably reflects some of the weaknesses of the British Left — in particular its recent distaste for hard policy development and its lack of research infrastructure .
10 Bombay-based Anil put India 's failure to exploit its manpower and mind power and its lack of excellence in sport , economics and the arts down to a ‘ Learn what is there and do n't question it ’ attitude .
11 In this respect testing has a poor track record , and its lack of impact at national and school level forms the substance of the major criticisms of it as an evaluation procedure .
12 By this she was referring to her perceived poor organisation and her lack of knowledge about other approaches to teaching , learning and assessment .
13 In a meeting at the beginning of April , the City Council of Amsterdam , after having ordered the forensic laboratory in Rijswijk to conduct its second investigation , severely criticised the councillor responsible for the Arts , Mrs M. Baak , for her inept handling of the problem and her lack of initiative at crucial moments during the affair .
14 The precipitants to these outbursts were trivial and she was alarmed at both the extent of her anger and her lack of control over it .
15 Shriver 's recent long term absence from the tour , following shoulder surgery , and her lack of match practice were shown up by an opponent who was playing the women 's game of today , powerful and merciless .
16 As good students of Lenin , the Romanian leaders needed no reminding of the short-sighted lust for profit of many capitalists and their lack of concern for the public interest , in their own countries or abroad .
17 Women are bound by their biological functions as child-bearers , and their lack of education no doubt acts to their detriment as full participants in social and political life .
18 I had already written to them about you , in guarded terms , and their lack of response to my enthusiasms in the way of friends never discouraged me .
19 The artists we met were on the whole very unmotivated and their lack of enthusiasm ( not to mention talent ) rubbed off on us .
20 In this way , the word ‘ ordinary ’ , much used by John and others , contained a wish for the future as well as a simple description of their own selves , their tastes , their conventional senses of fun and their lack of wealth .
21 Brody speculates that this finding ( which runs counter to the evidence which I presented above that grandparents place more value on this relationship than grandchildren ) may reflect the idealism of the younger generation and their lack of experience of situations where demands are actually made upon them .
22 The biggest single limitation in our current capabilities is the slowness of operation of the PS/2 model 30s as network stations , and their lack of memory for some high-performance software , such as the PANDORA database system .
23 Dissident Conservatives , for instance Churchill or Eden , were not welcomed as prospective allies , because of their expressed hostility to the Soviet Government and their lack of sympathy with the Spanish Republicans .
24 Green criticised previous guides , correctly , for their geographic vagueness and their lack of adventure in seldom stirring from the main roads and ‘ stations ’ as the viewpoints were called .
25 The ancient streets could perhaps have been left to enforce their own low driving speeds through their narrowness , their cobbled surfaces and their lack of visibility over anything more than a few metres .
26 The contextual mechanism that allegedly converts horse in 16a into a temporary synonym of mare is equally operative in 17a ; but in spite of this , 17a and b are not logically equivalent , and their lack of equivalence is entirely due to residual semantic differences between horse and mare .
27 Players just go through the motions and their lack of pleasure is conveyed to the crowds .
28 She was glad to see the back of them with their interfering ways and their lack of respect .
29 And I hated the anglers with their sharp hooks and their lack of understanding of what they were doing to the fish they plucked so gleefully from their wet world into our dry one .
30 Given the Opposition 's desire to give increasing powers to the European Parliament and their lack of understanding of how the Council of Ministers works , we should perhaps excuse the lack of appreciation of the process .
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