Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adv prt] along [art] " in BNC.

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1 He could of course have taken the easy option and given himself up , or laid up along the coast somewhere until the advancing Eighth Army caught up with him .
2 The worlds they encompass read end to end do n't add up or line up along a single straight trajectory .
3 Behind the major properties were a number of cottages huddled together in yards or strung out along the lanes .
4 The fire was not lit and the room did n't seem as cheerful and welcoming as it had the night before ; they broke their fast quickly on warm oat cakes and mulled wine , saddled their horses and rode back along the track to the highway .
5 She turned her back on the squabbling creatures and crept off along the footpath .
6 Dunvegan Castle stands on the edge of the sea , and looks up along the long narrow Loch Dunvegan to the north-west .
7 They left the shop and headed back along the road , Sammy crawling miserably along behind them .
8 He then grabbed the reins and drove back along the road , leaving the wounded post-boy to stagger to the nearest village .
9 Luckily for us he was too overcome to offer us refreshment , so we said our farewells and got back into the jeep and drove off along the road leading to the village of Breville .
10 She patted down the earth in each pot , watered them from a slimy tin , arranged them in a row on the ledge , and darted back along the path to the house .
11 Hug the person or creature , give it your love , and walk on along the forest path .
12 ‘ Christ , they were quick off the mark , Piper , ’ remarked the driver , swinging the jeep round and heading back along the road to Brigade H.Q. Nos. 3 and 6 Commando were pulling out as we entered the village ; no sign of 45 Royal Marine Commando .
13 Karl turned and walked back along the other side of the garden , although this time Erika did not draw his attention to the words of Josef Stalin paying tribute to glorious workers , doctors , nurses , and so on .
14 We crossed another bridge and walked back along the opposite side : bitter-sweet robin notes ; wheeze of green finch ; ‘ chook , chook ’ of blackbird ; ‘ huit ’ call of chaff inch ; trill of wren .
15 At Ballyconneely , with the Twelve Pins at their backs , they went down a track and faced the black Atlantic , left the low-slung car and scrambled out along the headland until they found , amazingly , a concrete pillbox , a relic of the war in which , surely , the Free State had been a neutral ?
16 The road for the tunnel here bears off to the left and rises up along the glorious valley of Aragnouet , half pasture , half pine woods , past a road leading off to another new ski station , at Piau-Engaly .
17 He opened his eyes , and looked back along the ship .
18 They climbed back into the jeep and went on along the rutted lane , lurching and splashing through deep puddles , the Brigadier worrying audibly all the way because ‘ things were n't as they should be . ’
19 They left the goose in the dairy and went back along the passage and through a swing door with baize on one side into a wide , dark hall where a grandfather clock ticked in one corner and a small oil lamp threw shadows .
20 ‘ Let's go , girl , ’ he said and went back along the street .
21 Follow the path to the summit of Shining Tor and carry on along the right hand side of the wall to eventually ascend Cats Tor .
22 To save time , Trent propped the gun against a palm , draping the bandoleer over the barrel , and ran out along the millionaire 's dock .
23 Jess abandoned all idea of water and ran out along the path and through the gateway with Salt limping behind .
24 She , Bambi , Nell and the Youngs made their way past me without looking at me and continued on along the corridor beside the kitchen , going to inspect the revised quarters which I knew were in the sleeping car forward of Filmer 's .
25 Cruella Baines grunted and waddled off along the line of windows , her steel bangles rattling against her gigantic thighs .
26 With a screech of brakes , and a squeal of wheels , Bodie reversed into a parking space and shot back along the route he had just taken .
27 She left the citizens of Riverbank to their shouting match and struck off along the trail to the footpath .
28 The most important thrust affecting the Outer Hebrides is the Outer Hebrides Thrust , a low angle thrust , dipping to the east , and cropping out along the eastern seaboard of the island chain ( Francis and Sibson 1973 ) .
29 We arrive exhausted , haul in our rucsacs , check in again and hike back along the corridor to the airport .
30 But at last they reached the top and set out along a ridge under the clear blue sky , valleys running steeply to left and right of them .
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