Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adv prt] towards the " in BNC.

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1 Once in a while at least , the philosopher must be allowed to approach the psychologist as a counsellor and to say : if you leave the Sorbonne by the exit in the Rue Saint-Jacques , you can either turn up the hill or go down towards the river : if you go up , you will get to the Panthéon which is the resting place of a few great men , but if you go downhill then you 're bound to end up at the Préfecture de Police .
2 Hold rear legs gently backwards and comb down towards the foot .
3 The beauty had disappeared below deck now and Fernando was leaning on the handrail waiting for her and gazing out towards the harbour buildings .
4 The van slewed wildly , but kept travelling , smoke appearing from its rear tyres as it swerved and skidded back towards the exit .
5 Another rustle followed before a glossy blackbird hopped out and made off towards the parkland .
6 He burst out laughing , and before she could retort he swivelled and made back towards the stables .
7 A great cry compounded of rage , sorrow , hatred and vituperation went up from the town walls as the colourful company under the Plantagenet Leopards turned and rode back towards the castle , leaving the slight jerking figure to its dance of death .
8 Within an hour Allan , Donald the smith , and the Logan brothers had set off down the strath to Weem with the petitions in a leather wallet , to add to the already thick bunch in James 's strong-box , and Cameron and James had got horses from a sympathizer in the village and rode off towards the narrow glen of Keltney .
9 A wide semicircle of Germans and Repubblichini formed on the edge of the pianura near Parma and moved up towards the mountains , looting and burning villages ; some times shooting in the air to spread terror and sometimes hanging or deporting the inhabitants .
10 I checked the position of the pin , rather generously placed in the right centre of the green , and moved on towards the tenth hole .
11 When he saw Robert , he made what looked like a little , stunted bow and moved back towards the boys on the lawn .
12 Jenna snapped , spinning away and storming off towards the house .
13 She stood for several moments in front of the altar before turning away and walking back towards the door .
14 Molly and her husband covered their eyes and peered out towards the lights .
15 By the time we eventually turned to starboard and headed off towards the UK I was most anxious to get home : I was to be the best man at a wedding that day , and I had to get back before high noon , When the dawn really appeared we were lying very sedately over ( and we were not aware of it at the time ) Belgium .
16 Finally satisfied that these tableaux held no secrets , they turned round and headed back towards the gallery marked THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD .
17 She rolled over and headed back towards the shore .
18 Willie rose and wandered over towards the entrance .
19 Next moment , both men were out of the cab and sprinting back towards the blazing house .
20 And in a second he was under the Man 's arm and out through the cage door , free and gliding over towards the fence by the benches .
21 A little later , Lok 's interpretation of the scene is rendered without the introductory simile : " a track among the green smoke began to twist and sway down towards the river …
22 He could see the grey ruffled silk of the sea on the left as they banked and came in towards the airport .
23 Sorvino glanced at his observer and saw that he was half-turned in his seat and looking out towards the back of the car .
24 She had spent some time after breakfast standing on her balcony and looking out towards the mountains .
25 He crossed the road , pausing on the kerb and looking back towards the Lancia .
26 It filled the room and spilled out towards the fringe of trees .
27 The rest of the hired costumes looked appalling by comparison — and strolled out towards the stage .
28 Just for a moment , standing by the window , dropping the edge of the curtain he had lifted and turning back towards the cot , Adam saw the picture again , saw it with an awful clarity on the darkness before his eyes .
29 A light breeze from the north cleared the air and the sun blazed out over distant mountains as we headed between the Crowlin Isles and shaped up towards the Kyle of Localsh .
30 From this he reckoned the underground passage was now clear of the house foundations and heading out towards the outer fence .
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