Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] [art] direction " in BNC.

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1 They participate in large numbers in the political arena — they always have — but they do not define their own demands or decide on the direction of movement .
2 Right-wing readers of a right-wing paper were more likely than left-wing readers of that same paper to claim that their paper was biased towards the right — though a majority of both left- and right-wing readers typically agreed that their papers were biased and agreed on the direction of that bias .
3 We both got out of the jeep as fast as we could and sprinted in the direction of the slit trenches .
4 She crouched down , holding her breath , and peered in the direction of the sound .
5 The Moi immediately climbed other trees and peered in the direction of his finger ; then they began chattering excitedly to Devraux in their own language .
6 He flung it open and shouted in the direction of the offending instrument .
7 From 1862 , Wolverton lost its independence as a locomotive works and came under the direction of Ramsbottom at Crewe .
8 He flung both arms out , the one with the gun aloft , and bowed in the direction of his two companions .
9 The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Direction Générale de la Santé Publique , Coôte d'Ivoire ; by the Institutional Review Board of the CDC ; and by the Secretariat Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects , WHO .
10 He looked at Ryker and nodded in the direction of the Fiesta .
11 He touched Snodgrass 's arm and nodded in the direction of the forest and Snodgrass said , very softly , ‘ The Trees .
12 Almost with relief Ronni snatched her gaze away and turned in the direction he had nodded .
13 As the importance of the family increases the distinction is widened — each department becoming more and more amplified and elaborated in a direction contrary to that of the other .
14 with a Gothic slur , and sees in every direction
15 Whatever the newsheet was telling them they all seemed excited about it ; there was waving of arms and pointing in the direction of Caen .
16 It will be governed by Rules and administered under the direction of a committee of the Directors comprising only non-executive directors .
17 Faye hugged the navy blue , subtly patterned silk and started in the direction of the bedroom .
18 Just at that moment , the cats all leapt to their feet with their fur on end and looked in the direction of the door .
19 Such units , consisting of a few closely related families , contain between a dozen and sixty individuals who live together and cultivate under the direction of their elder , whose chief responsibility is the allocation and control of arable land .
20 Paisley was in his element , at one point stopping two old ladies to say ‘ We 're here to introduce this young lad to you 'cos you 'll not recognize him , will you ? ’ , laughing and nodding in the direction of Kilfedder , who , with a 13,000 vote majority , needed no introduction in North Down .
21 He 's the only man I 've met who does n't fall obsequiously to his knees and bow in the direction of Maranello when the name of Enzo Ferrari is mentioned .
22 He turned his head slightly towards me and spoke in the direction of my tie .
23 Someone pointed out the arrows to him , and he turned and glared in the direction of the bowmaker 's window .
24 The carers then place one shoulder under the patient 's shoulder nearest to them ; they clasp their other hand to each other 's wrist under the patient 's thighs , balance on their free arms , and lever the patient upwards or downwards in the bed by bending their knees and leaning towards the direction of the movement .
25 It is that the words ‘ directions for the purpose of determining a specific question which has arisen , or which may arise , ’ do not refer to the method of determining that question , but refer to a direction which will , as a matter of law , determine the issue as between the parties .
26 And the woman smiled but pointed at the direction that they were to go .
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