Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] [art] bad " in BNC.

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1 WHAT a ridiculous idea for parents to be fined or punished for the bad behaviour of their children .
2 Indeed ‘ being without anyone ’ is a misery far worse for a writer than bad reviews , or a nagging little illness , or a minor bereavement , or living under a bad government — Dorothy Osborne fared very well under the Commonwealth .
3 There 's no maintenance , no rates , no insurances , they 're in , they 're in a sort of bad s or getting into a bad state , so I do feel that we should try and put some priorities behind this erm , particular business link in Craven Arms .
4 The same applies at every level of involuntary or semi-voluntary behaviour , in falling asleep or waking , health or sickness , interest or boredom , welcoming a scent or recoiling from a bad smell , snapping up a useful fact or closing the mind against an awkward one , or in any kind of creative or contemplative ecstasy .
5 Thumb Sucking — If this is done frequently and perniciously it must be taken in hand and treated as a bad habit .
6 He led on the easy bits , followed and pushed on the worse sections .
7 For example , and the General Secretary was giving examples yesterday so I 'm entitled to do one as well , for example , Islington Council , where a direct Labour organization that had successfully survived and grown through the worst of the Thatcher years and the worst of the Thatcher attack on public services has now fallen victim to a combination of a weak and corrupt Labour Council and an incompetent senior management .
8 Missouri-born King made songs like Laundromat Blues and Born Under A Bad Sign into blues standards .
9 The camerawork too is restlessly European , bobbing and zooming like the worst of ITV 's continental movies and , like the production it satirises , lacking any coherent approach to design .
10 For Joshua , at sixty-two , and suffering from a bad leg , distances had begun to take on an extraordinary significance .
11 The next morning I was a day older , no wiser and put in a bad mood right from the off because I was dragged from the Land of Nod kicking and screaming ( well , grunting and stumbling actually ) by the Celtic Twilight hammering on my door .
12 Amelia was in there , jostling and tugging with the worst of them .
13 All the Pain that Money Can Buy : the Life of Christina Onassis by William Wright ( Gollancz , £5.99 ) — The author 's explanation of why people devour books about the rich is appropriately cynical : ‘ We examine their bounteous lives on the modest condition that they suffer and come to a bad end . ’
14 And can Celtic raise their game in Europe and see off the bad old days ?
15 He had moved out to escape distraction and improve on the bad lighting , but more than anything he wanted space , so that he could draw from a model occasionally .
16 While in India Aung San gave a press conference where he snapped out that he was ‘ Hoping for the best but prepared for the worst ’ .
17 I 've heard also of courses of injections which remove it in the short term but result in a worse incidence of cellulite after the treatment has worn off .
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