Example sentences of "[noun prp] looked at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Juliet and David looked at each other .
2 He and Branson looked at each other with the candour of two people who know they are utterly different , but for one shared resolution .
3 He and Valerie looked at each other as cordially as two people who loathe each other can .
4 Jenny and Antony looked at each other , brown eyes unblinkingly fixed on blue , over the rims of their upraised pint pots .
5 Jenny and Antony looked at each other dubiously .
6 Wright looked at 255 rapes or attempted rapes investigated by the police as ‘ genuine ’ offences during 1972–1976 in six English police areas .
7 In a paper that was published in nineteen eighty five , Journal of Urology , Shipley looked at prognostic factors in invasive cancer .
8 Karr and Chen looked at each other , some sign of understanding passing between them , then Karr looked back at Haavikko .
9 Mary and Reggie looked at each other , at her , and went hastily into their bedroom .
10 Katherine looked at each face in turn .
11 " When he went upstairs to change for dinner , Lady Agatha and Fidelma looked at each other . "
12 In an effort to clarify the direction of the causality between education and economic development , Peaslee looked at historical trends in education for developed countries .
13 Crime Prevention Officer , PC Farleigh looked at all aspects of security : doors and window locks , provision for burglar alarms and security lights .
14 Mahmoud and Owen looked at each other , then with one accord started walking .
15 Sam and Rose looked at each other and at the dark , empty square .
16 Short and plump , with receding hair and a peeved expression , Pietro looked at first sight like an English tourist who had come to complain about his belongings being stolen from his hotel room , full of righteous indignation about Italy being a den of thieves and demanding to know when the authorities proposed to do something about it .
17 Talbot and Van Gelder looked at each other in silence , then bent forward over Theodore 's shoulders to look at the figures he had added up .
18 Lindsey looked at nicotine-stained fingers and said nothing .
19 Paul and Nasey looked at each other with widened eyes .
20 The Captain and Bacci looked at each other through the communicating door .
21 Dyson looked at old Eddy , head down behind the dusty newspaper files , nothing visible of him but his tousled white hair .
22 Epictetus looked at each event from the point of view of his whole life and its freedom and the courage and steadfastness that he wished to possess .
23 Hope and Mary looked at each other in astonishment but , determined to humour the old gentleman , they said nothing .
24 Cameron and Menzies looked at each other , searching for signs of belief that something could still be made of the occasion .
25 Cameron and Menzies looked at each other , their eyes gutted of all expression .
26 Cameron and Menzies looked at each other — ‘ tell these people ’ !
27 Ace and Daak looked at each other .
28 Dalziel and Pascoe looked at each other for a long moment after the door had slammed behind Evans .
29 Carrie and Ginnie looked at each other .
30 Shanti and Patsy looked at each other .
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