Example sentences of "[noun prp] followed her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 David followed her up the short path between the borders of spring flowers .
2 When Ruth followed her into the kitchen , she looked around ; like the rest of the house , it was clean but very sparsely furnished .
3 Ruth followed her into the hallway and was immediately aware of disorder ; open packing-cases and an assortment of clothes and furniture piled up in every inch of space .
4 When he 'd moored the boat and helped her out Michele followed her through the rear lobby and into the foyer .
5 ‘ Come along , my dear , ’ Miss Honey called back , and Matilda followed her up the path .
6 With a heavy heart , Robert followed her towards the smooth , mysterious features of the house , whose windows , on this side , he could now see , were blacked out from the inside .
7 Endill followed her to the sick bay .
8 Julia followed her to the private bed-sitting room , where her child was happily playing in his cot .
9 Patrick followed her into the front room , his eyes taking in her home .
10 Leon Kennedy followed her into the hall .
11 Philip followed her into the waiting-room .
12 Jill followed her to the ward where Mr Deakin was sitting in a chair beside the bed .
13 She straightened up , thick lashes veiling her expression as Jill followed her into the room .
14 Emily followed her across the yard into the surprisingly sunny warmth of the kitchen .
15 Grumbling , Tracey followed her to the non-smokers ' seats .
16 Not sure whether she should treat the remark as a compliment or not , Juliet followed her into the house with David , and Miss Rose closed the front door .
17 Juliet followed her into the house , and the cat purred loudly , rubbing against her legs .
18 Susan followed her along the corridor .
19 Signor Gismondi followed her to the door .
20 Rosen followed her to the gunroom where she pressed her head against both dogs , murmuring inaudibly to each .
21 Jenny followed her up the stairs , and to her surprise , Mrs. Mott tagged along too .
22 Mr Wormwood followed her to the front-door and said , ‘ Good of you to come , Miss Hawkes , or is it Miss Harris ? ’
23 Wexford followed her into the surgery .
24 Flexing his fingers , Henry followed her up the stairs .
25 Fritz followed her into the lounge .
26 Birds followed her into the wood .
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