Example sentences of "[noun prp] met [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On Aug. 2 Baker met with a Palestinian delegation in East Jerusalem led by Faisal al-Husseini , who was widely regarded as the unofficial PLO representative in Jerusalem .
2 Baker met with a 10-member Palestinian delegation on March 12 , the first such meeting since the US suspended its dialogue with the PLO in June 1990 [ see pp. 37547-48 ] .
3 When he and Adenauer met for the first time , de Gaulle records , ‘ We discussed Europe at length .
4 Amid tight security the Presidents of the United States , Colombia , Peru and Bolivia met in the Colombian Caribbean resort of Cartagena and signed on Feb. 15 the Cartagena Declaration , pledging their governments to intensify and co-ordinate efforts to curb the consumption , production and trafficking of cocaine .
5 That night , Ted and Jim met in the local pub to discuss the situation .
6 While in Cartagena , Colombia , on Dec. 2-3 for the " Group of Rio " summit [ see p. 38675 ] , President Fujimori of Peru and President Borja of Ecuador met for the first time to discuss their longstanding border dispute [ see p. 38526 ] .
7 The oil ministers of Iraq , Saudi Arabia , Kuwait , Qatar and the UAE met in the Saudi city of Jeddah on July 10-11 and an agreement was reached on curbing over-production .
8 FOUR months after attending a weekend course on team building and sales training , staff from Treasury and Capital Markets , Scotland met for a day-long follow-up session in the conference room at Drummond House .
9 And just six hours after Chris and Heather met for the first time they had decided to get married .
10 During a visit to Israel on Dec. 2-3 Prime Minister Felipe González met with the Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir , with Labour Party leaders including the party president Shimon Peres , and with a group of Palestinian leaders including Faisal al-Husseini and a representative of the Islamic party Hamas .
11 The Health Ministers of Argentina , Bolivia , Brazil , Colombia , Cuba , Ecuador , Peru , Venezuela and Spain met in the Bolivian city of Sucre on April 20-23 to discuss possible joint action to stem the cholera epidemic which first broke out in Peru in late January [ see p. 38002 ] , and had since spread into neighbouring Brazil , Colombia , Chile and Ecuador ( but not as yet into Bolivia or Venezuela ) .
12 He is an old man who Mr Browning met in the burning streets of Florence last month half out of his wits and with nowhere to go his wife having thrown him out for what reason I do not know .
13 Such is the force of tradition that when the newly instituted Parliament of Northern Ireland met for the first time in 1921 , its first act was to claim these ‘ undoubted and ancient privileges ’ .
14 Meanwhile , two Panthers A and B teams , also from Blurton met in the junior final — with the A side running out winners .
15 That night the King and Wallis met at a small restaurant in Piccadilly .
16 In Damascus on April 17 Interior Minister Ismet Sezgin met with the Syrian President Hafez al-Assad .
17 On Dec. 29 the HCR met for the first time since the attempted coup and approved the new Cabinet , whose membership was announced the following day .
18 Representatives from the Baltic states and all the Soviet republics except Kazakhstan and Turkmenia , plus representatives from Moscow and St Petersburg met in the Estonian capital , Tallinn , on Sept. 20 to discuss economic issues separate from any of the plans for economic union .
19 In 1963 Miles and Haynes met for the first time , in Edinburgh .
20 Blount met with a convenient wall of silence .
21 US Secretary of State James Baker and Israel 's ambassador to the USA Zalman Shoval met for a third round of talks in Washington on Feb. 21 but failed to arrange a compromise agreement on the terms of Israel 's request for loan guarantees worth US$10,000 million to be used for the absorption of new Jewish immigrants .
22 In one game , against Nottingham Forest , Stephenson was joined by another player who was to take a leading role in Chapman 's future — Grenadier Guardsman Charlie Buchan of Sunderland , whom Chapman met for the first time .
23 East and West met in a festive mood and border guards gave up checking documents .
24 Earlier , the new Conflict Prevention Centre of the CSCE met for the first time in Vienna on July 1-2 , as requested by Austria , and called for an immediate ceasefire and the return of the JNA to barracks , but failed to reach the necessary unanimity on sending a CSCE observer mission .
25 The winner came from Martin Boyle 's cross which Vernon met with a perfect volley .
26 The Libyan leader Col. Moamer al Kadhafi and President Hissène Habré of Chad met in the Moroccan capital , Rabat , on Aug. 22-23 for talks hosted by King Hassan .
27 As well as meeting Gorbachev , Yeltsin and other leaders Major met with the Prime Ministers of Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania , and with Leyla Gordievsky , the wife of Oleg Gordievsky who defected in 1985 [ see p. 34005 ] .
28 The overnight snooze [ all of one-and-a-half hours ] on the ferry was hardly over when it was time to drive onto Reims , where crews from Oslo , Berlin and Edinburgh met for a deserved rest .
29 Rodrigo met with a cold and scornful reception from the counts , who believed they had no need of a renegade knight with a rather large force of his own .
30 On 23 October 1940 , with France effectively under German control and Mussolini 's troops about to invade Greece , Franco and Hitler met on the Hispano-French border , at the railway station in Hendaye .
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