Example sentences of "[noun prp] for [art] purpose [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The applicants , Coventry Newspapers Ltd. , ( ‘ C.N.L. ’ ) , defendants in a libel action brought against them by David Woodley and Roger Clifford , sought ( 1 ) a declaration that C.N.L. were at liberty to receive from Michael Thomas Bromell copies of all such witness statements , notes , notebooks and other documents which had come into existence in the course of an investigation by the Police Complaints Authority into the conduct of David Woodley and Roger Clifford as had been read to or by the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) or had been referred to in open court during the hearing of Reg. v. Bromell ( unreported ) , 22 June 1992 , C.A. , on a reference , dated 10 May 1991 , of his case by the Home Secretary under section 17(1) ( a ) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 ; and/or ( 2 ) variation of the implied undertaking pursuant to which Michael Thomas Bromell had received the documents under the order of the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) on 9 July 1991 , so as to permit him to disclose copies of all such documents described in ( 1 ) above to C.N.L. for the purpose of defending the libel action .
2 The National Council of the League passed a resolution in March 1933 urging the Labour party and TUC to arrange " a meeting with the representatives of the Co-op movement , the ILP and the CP for the purpose of proposing to them a basis for United Action " .
3 For reasons of simplicity ( and ornithological necessity ) the whole of Chichester Harbour is considered as being within Sussex for the purpose of wildfowl and wader counts .
4 Hansen then flew Wixsom and mechanic Nick Quint to Florida for the purpose of inspecting N9837A and verifying that it was all there .
5 Section 86 provides that section 82 also applies to information which has been supplied to the Bank of England for the purpose of its functions under the Act by a relevant supervisory authority in a foreign country .
6 It re-enacts the existing law on the taking of evidence by courts in England , Scotland and Northern Ireland for the purpose of civil proceedings in a court in another part of the United Kingdom , a Commonwealth country or a foreign country .
7 The capitalist class are concentrated and centred in the government of this country today to an extent they never were before ; they are using the House of Commons for the purpose of defeating the working class organisations of this country , and the cooperative movement realised when the government set out to challenge the N.U.R .
8 That statement had been true and had in any case not been made by Moorgate Mercantile , since H.P.I. was not an agent of Moorgate Mercantile for the purpose of making such a statement .
9 Mr Spicer was not in Rye for the purpose of a seaside holiday .
10 His lordship pointed out that Rasbora Ltd. had been formed by Mr. Atkinson for the purpose of buying the boat and with the intention that the boat was to be used only by Mr. Atkinson and his friends ; there was no intention to hire it out .
11 Money , paid allegedly for takeover fees and consultancy advice , was channelled to various associates of Guinness for the purpose of buying Guinness shares , thereby increasing the share price — this is known as a share-support operation .
12 In February 1859 the tsar put the conservatively inclined Main Committee into cold storage and created " Editing Commissions " under Rostovtsev for the purpose of drawing up legislation .
13 A conference , in which the Church of England , representatives of principal religious traditions in the area , teachers ' associations and the LEA may be represented , is to be drawn up by the LEA for the purpose of agreeing the syllabus .
14 Before 1869 , there was no Institution in England and Wales ( nor for that matter , in Scotland ) where deaf children of Roman Catholics could be educated in their own faith , and when a Belgian priest , Monsignore de Haerne , a deputy in the Belgian Senate , learnt of this , he came to Britain for the purpose of establishing one .
15 An application by Mrs S Croall for the use of the hall on a Thursday for the purpose of staging a concert by her music pupils was agreed .
16 It shall be unlawful for any person to idle or loiter on any street or thoroughfare , sidewalk , or alley , or in any store , theatre , motor car , motion picture show , business house , or in the entrance or doorway of any place within the corporate limits of the city of Abilene for the purpose of Plying the avocation of flirt or masher .
17 The report concluded that the Fayed brothers , Mohamed and Ali , had ( i ) dishonestly misrepresented their background and wealth to the DTI for the purpose of persuading the Department in 1985 not to refer the acquisition to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( MMC ) ; ( ii ) used their connection with the Sultan of Brunei to enable them to acquire the funds used in the acquisition ; ( iii ) repeated their lies to their advisers , who had accepted at face value what they were told and failed to check its accuracy ; and ( iv ) misrepresented the extent of their business assets to both the DTI and to the Office of Fair Trading .
18 The first is whether in construing ambiguous or obscure statutory provisions your Lordships should relax the historic rule that the courts must not look at the Parliamentary history of legislation or Hansard for the purpose of construing such legislation .
19 At the start of the further hearing , the Attorney-General , who appeared for the Crown , drew our attention to a letter addressed to him by the Clerk of the House of Commons suggesting that any reference to Hansard for the purpose of construing the Act might breach the privileges of that House .
20 The submission was that the use of Hansard for the purpose of construing an Act would constitute a ‘ questioning ’ of the freedom of speech or debate .
21 indeed , too much of the last-mentioned crop , in consequence of the great demand from the opposite coast of Argyle and Kintyre for the purpose of distillation .
22 Herr Hamnett , who was but recently arrived in Vienna for the purpose of vacation , had been residing at the home of a friend , a certain Herr Sanders of Kagrant .
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