Example sentences of "[noun prp] suggest that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both The Cloud of Unknowing and Walter Hilton suggest that some people who had read Rolle 's work or who had heard about his experiences were almost breaking all bounds in order to encounter something similar themselves and were , consequently , damaging themselves as well as wasting their time .
2 Again , Thompson and Spencer suggest that intense stimuli habituate only slowly but there is some evidence that they might acquire latent inhibition especially readily , ( Crowell and Anderson 1972 ; Lantz 1976 ; Schnur and Lubow 1976 ) .
3 My own research in Mexico suggests that female managers tend to be found in those depanments that are concerned with interpersonal relations within the plant ( personnel , public relations , training ) and that women who start off in these areas and succeed are occasionally promoted to higher levels of management .
4 Allison and Johnstone suggested that columnar epithelium occurred in the lower oesophagus , secondary to gastro-oesophageal reflux .
5 After the given date , the same change may well have diffused to other dialects that were not affected at first , and Labov 's well-known work ( for example , 1980 ) on short /a/ in the northern United States suggests that this EModE change is still in progress there today .
6 In 1989 increases in the incidence of sexually transmitted disease in homosexual men in the United States suggested that high risk sexual behaviour between men was increasing after a period of decline .
7 Lyons suggests that this x retains a pronominal element , as well as containing an adverbial element similar to here .
8 At the start of the further hearing , the Attorney-General , who appeared for the Crown , drew our attention to a letter addressed to him by the Clerk of the House of Commons suggesting that any reference to Hansard for the purpose of construing the Act might breach the privileges of that House .
9 Similarly Michael Allaby and James Lovelock suggest that living organisms could.be introduced into the sterile environment of Mars to warm up the atmosphere .
10 Friedman suggested that permanent income ( Y p ) may provide an acceptable proxy variable .
11 To get monitoring underway quickly , Bortzmeyer 's report for the UN suggests that existing satellites and ground receiving stations could be used .
12 Avitus 's letter to Clovis suggests that this interpretation is unacceptable , since he implies that there was a genuine possibility that Clovis would opt for arianism .
13 But Lord Diplock suggested that different considerations might apply if the effect of Cheall 's expulsion from APEX were to have put his job in jeopardy because of the existence of a closed shop or for some other reason .
14 Editor , — Robert Bluglass suggests that brief readmission to hospital to extend leave of absence , a practice declared unlawful in England , persists ‘ under Scots law . ’
15 Goody suggests that written language has two main functions : the first is the storage function which permits communication over time and space , and the second is that which ‘ shifts language from the oral to the visual domain' and permits words and sentences to be examined out of their original contexts , ‘ where they appear in a very different and highly ‘ abstract ’ context' ( 1977 : 78 ) .
16 The evidence from North Shields and Cramlington suggests that landed interests have acted as fractions of capital .
17 Frisch suggested that underweight women would also have impaired reproductive function owing to a lack of oestrogen produced in adipose tissue .
18 My hon. Friend the Member for Spelthorne suggested that regional variations in house prices should be taken into account in regional banding .
19 In addition to these categories , Lee suggests that one point be added , to the total score , for every utterance which meets all the grammatical criteria for acceptable adult sentences .
20 Lee suggests that this analysis requires a sample of at least 100 different utterances recorded during a single session .
21 Dr Dowling suggests that front line medical services should not be provided by the most junior member of the team working without adequate supervision .
22 ( 1971 ) Gramsci suggested that intellectual ideology is reflected in modern everyday reality : the modern ideologist creates , or attempts to create , a cultural hegemony .
23 Bush suggested that this figure reflected " the advice of our senior military advisers " and was " designed to protect American and European interests and sustain NATO 's defence strategy " .
24 Evidence for the Burgundians and for the Franks suggests that neither group can be neatly categorized as either arian or catholic .
25 Reports from Lebanon suggest that British hostages could be closer than ever to freedom .
26 As early as 1974 , Shipman suggested that professional development is possibly the only legitimate indicator of the success of an innovation , although it is considerably more difficult to measure than take-up of project materials .
27 In order to overcome such a learning situation , Schumann suggests that psychological distance must be minimised .
28 To explain the non-proportionality of annual time-series data , such as that in Table 3 , Duesenberry suggests that aggregate consumption depends not just on current income , but also on the highest level of income previously attained .
29 There is , however , deep within all of us a natural ability to find pattern in random form , as demonstrated by the Rorschach ink-blot test , and research by Philip Reeder suggests that certain forms on the map tend to be picked out consistently as zodiac material .
30 The work of Feyerabend and Kuhn suggests that unqualified talk of progress even in the natural sciences is going too far .
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