Example sentences of "[noun prp] live [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In this way , Man and Daurog lived in uneasy harmony for many generations , each keeping to their realm , each finding power in the other , each recognizing the other in themselves …
2 Now the Palace Stud lives on borrowed time as Indian racing moves up a gear .
3 Meanings are crucial to understanding how England lived with chaotic marriage and no divorce for so long before changing the rules governing personal relation-ships decisively .
4 Mr Kizza lives in nearby Banda with his new wife .
5 The orang-utan studied by MacKinnon ( 1974 ) in Sabah , Borneo , and in Sumatra live in large home ranges in the trees of the rain forest .
6 Anyway , to Mickey the East was where his Uncle Dick and Aunt Mavis live at High Burnton out towards the coast . ’
7 Terence lived in close familiarity with Scipio Aemilianus and C. Laelius .
8 Hong Kong lives with knife-edged volatility .
9 This is Turkish Berlin , where the ‘ guest workers ’ whose predicament has been brought to wider notice by the brilliant investigations of Gunter Wallraff live in poor housing , on low wages , and amid great hostility .
10 Since Hannah lived in total isolation for more than twenty-five years , never married or even formed a relation ship with a man , it is not surprising that most of the care and affection she had to offer was lavished on animals .
11 Marianella lived under enormous pressure and sometimes imposed upon herself an almost overwhelming work schedule — two or three nights without sleep were not uncommon .
12 Although only a small proportion receive free food , about half of all farm workers in Britain live in tied accommodation .
13 Around twenty-two thousand people in Oxford live in rented accommodation ; the highest proportion of rent , er private rented housing in any city outside London .
14 Charles Booth found that 31 per cent of London 's population in the 1880s lived in primary or secondary poverty and a decade later Seebohm Rowntree claimed that 28 per cent of the people of York lived in equal hardship .
15 By all accounts relations between the two Zuwaya sections were extremely tense ; some Mannaia lived in continual expectation of violence .
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