Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] the same period " in BNC.

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1 Orwell 's point can be extended , since these writers recognized not only the dissolution of public or social values but also the bankruptcy of private ones : it ought to be remembered that the notion of " personality " reached its apogee in Oscar Wilde during the same period of scientific and social optimism .
2 In a country where anything so conspicuous as reducing food subsidies courts trouble , cut backs in the health sector may seem a safer bet ( in 1977 7.7 per cent of GNP was devoted to health care , down from 9.5 per cent in 1955 ; in comparison , proportions in the United States over the same period rose from 8 per cent to 11 per cent ) .
3 The Dutch Souterliedekens with tunes only were published at Antwerp in 1540 and in England during the same period Miles Coverdale brought out his Goostly psalmes and spirituall songes , also with tunes only ( c. 1543 ) , while Francis Seagar 's selection of 19 Certayne Psalmes ( London , 1553 ) are all accommodated to two four-part compositions .
4 There is much truth in this bleak picture of Serbia under Ottoman rule and , to varying extents , of Macedonia , Bosnia , Hercegovina and Montenegro during the same period .
5 The Daily Express , in contrast , had been the authentic voice of middle class England in the same period .
6 Similarly , the increasing employment of women in the growing sector of food , drink and tobacco manufacture by the end of the century , and even the dramatic growth in the number of women commercial clerks ( 4,467 in Edinburgh by 1911 , compared to only 366 in 1881 ) did little to alter the fact that in Scotland generally ( perhaps rather more than England in the same period ) there was a very clear division of the labour market and a de facto segregation of " men 's work " from " women 's work " , which would face any girl looking for her first job .
7 This is all the more apparent when the Chandos stones are compared with three linked novels — Huntingtower , Castle Gay and The House of the Four Wind — in which John Buchan at the same period explored the code of honour through the fortunes of Saskia , a distressed maiden , and the dynastic troubles of the fictitious kingdom of Evallonia .
8 This is not a very remote county , but some districts still lost up to one-fifth of their population in only 20 years , roughly equivalent to the 17.6 per cent decrease that occurred in the population of the Scottish Islands during the same period ( Dunn et al .
9 In the UK for the same period £1,600 million was spent on drugs , 50 per cent more than was spent in 1980 .
10 It was a similar story in Somerset in the same period , worsened by the fact that access to the moor along the old drove-ways was severed by the new drainage ditches .
11 Many more were created in British Columbia and in northern Ontario in the same period .
12 In contrast , the drop in the United Kingdom over the same period has been from 4.4 to 3.1 per 100,000 of the population — a reduction of 32 per cent .
13 Thereafter we shall very briefly outline some of the main trends in theology beyond Germany in the same period .
14 Arthur Browning , the son of Stamford architect Edward Browning , who was at the school in the 1870's , reports that ‘ The initiation of the new boys kissing the face of the ‘ Old Man' ’ , which forms the keystone of the church door , was seldom practised ’ and J. H. Boam of the same period recalled that the ceremony was only undertaken if a pupil had done anything to dishonour the school .
15 In an earlier article in this Journal , I dealt with the county representation to Westminster over the same period and showed the abuses to which the elections by the Freeholders gave rise .
16 Comparing chloride concentration with rainfall at St Louis and water flow in the Senegal River over the same period has displayed the signature of droughts ( in the 1970s , 1940s and 1910s ) and of intervening periods of higher rainfall and river flow .
17 It is estimated that the value of resources transferred by the Soviet Union out of Eastern Europe between 1945–1956 approximated the value of Marshall Plan aid transferred by the United States into Western Europe during the same period .
18 Others , for example James Meade ( 1938 ) , were more pessimistic : he considered the minimum unemployment rate for Britain in the same period to be in the region of 11% .
19 The postwar changes resulted in a prolonged boom , with exceptionally high rates of growth , from 1950 until the early 1970s , in the capitalist countries ( Postan , 1967 ; Maddison , 1982 ) , and similarly rapid growth in Eastern Europe over the same period .
20 The bulk of the textile manufacturers in northern France at the same period were similarly children of what could already be considered the middle strata ; the bulk of the mid-nineteenth-century Nottingham hosiery manufacturers had similar origins , two-thirds of them actually coming from the hosiery trade .
21 Guntram 's bishops dealt with a disagreement between their king and his brother Sigibert in 573 , and Guntram himself summoned two councils to Mâcon between 581 and 585 , and another to Valence in the same period .
22 Canadian producers had faced higher interest rates than those of their US competitors and higher unit labour costs , which rose 15 per cent between 1985 and the first quarter of 1989 , compared with only 1 per cent in the USA for the same period .
23 The East , on the other hand , has given us the long-haired Persian cat from sixteenth-century Iran , the silky Angora cat from Turkey at the same period ( when Ankara was pronounced Angora ) , and the exotic , long-legged Siamese cat from seventeenth-century Thailand .
24 This sum is equivalent to about one third of the Government grant to Radio Tanzania for the same period , and to more than the entire sum allocated to the development of information and broadcasting services in the first Five Year plan .
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