Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] herself [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When the tower walls swung back into focus Isabel found herself clutching a chainmail tunic , quite unaware of the metal links cutting into her palms as she gazed straight into the ice-blue eyes of her husband .
2 But instead , for a dizzying instant , as he wrapped his cloak about her , Isabel found herself savouring a delicious sensation of feeling small and infinitely fragile , enclosed within his arms .
3 The reluctance with which Luke released her was palpable , his expression drawn into lines of hostility , and as she sat up , and then stood , Maria found herself deriving a savagely biting joy from the fact that she had surprised him .
4 Kathleen found herself heaving a sigh of relief .
5 They were soft slippers , decorated with amethyst for wearing on thick carpets and Hari found herself envying the girl who seemed to have everything in life she could possibly want .
6 Later , Hari forced herself to enter the workshop and get on with her repairs .
7 To her annoyance , Ronni found herself watching the long tanned fingers and remembering with a start how they had felt against her flesh .
8 But one fine day in early summer when the sky was blue and there was not a cloud in the sky , Maxine found herself cancelling an arrangement to meet a friend in town .
9 Maggie found herself clutching a young man .
10 For a miracle , almost boiling hot water poured out of the taps into the bath and Julia let herself have a really deep bath for once , lying there dreaming about the day when her life might be whole again and weaving plans to make it so , until the skin of her fingers and toes crinkled and the water felt cold .
11 Isabel heard herself ask the question but her attention was suddenly drawn to the servant setting food and trenchers on the table .
12 Jessamy found herself resenting the tranquillity of the scene when she felt so very unpeaceful inside herself .
13 Lindsey busied herself rearranging a pile of magazines .
14 Jessamy heard herself give a small gasp .
15 But , years later , Liz found herself visiting the Freud museum in Berggasse in Vienna , and there she suddenly saw it all — the red walls , the figurines , and , perhaps most distinctively , the predominance of red carpet-cushions , the characteristic mixture of Persian geometric patterns on floor and couch — a Jewish mixture , a Viennese mixture , a Freudian mixture ?
16 Dorothea allowed herself to make a pot of tea , in her dressing gown , and carry it back upstairs , to enjoy over the newspaper and any letters there might be , though she did not allow herself to return to bed .
17 Meanwhile Teresa finds herself learning the hard way how to survive in Africa and she discovers that its beauty is not without danger .
18 On 29th January , 1855 , Aberdeen 's Government had been heavily defeated in the House of Commons on a censure motion criticizing its conduct of the Crimean War , but it was not until 6th February that Queen Victoria brought herself to appoint the seventy-one-year-old Palmerston as Aberdeen 's successor , although his prestige and popularity had made him the inevitable choice as Prime Minister .
19 Christina found herself remembering the way the promising young architect had first come into their lives .
20 The narrator comments : The accounts of the torments to which Christina subjected herself convey a feeling of a disturbed personality although she apparently miraculously survived them .
21 Sarah occupied herself taking the coffee cups over to the sink .
22 Cecilia forced herself to show an interest in Daphne 's son and Daphne 's garden and after a while things grew easier .
23 The whole day had been a great strain and although they had attempted to resolve their differences and clear the air Rachel found herself dreading the prospect of working with David Markham on a permanent basis .
24 With the noise of the water splashing round her head and drumming into the bath , Melissa found herself reliving the time she had spent with Fernand in that dark , echoing cavern .
25 Glad to be alone in her familiar little room later , Leonora forced herself to face the indigestible truth .
26 Robyn forced herself to picture the scene he was unbelievably painting and shuddered .
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