Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] himself [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Patrick flung himself on the mattress which Sarah was to use , and jumped up and down on his knees , full of boyish energy .
2 Trent seated himself on the taffrail .
3 For a time Malins regarded himself as a Liberal Unionist , but he made policy toward drink the only basis for supporting parliamentary candidates .
4 Nizan found himself in a curiously paradoxical situation at this juncture .
5 So having got back to Egypt ( and he was being harried from one end of the Western Desert to the other by Rommel ) Boyce found himself in a caravan which was his headquarters and also where he lived when he received an order to hare back as fast as possible to El Alamein .
6 His last book , Antonietta , published in 1991 , tells the story of a Stradivarius violin , and Hersey inserted himself as a character .
7 We must put all our energies into the preparation for Belle Ile while Schellenberg busies himself with the Steiner affair . ’
8 Since the literary works to which Ken devoted himself in the long years which followed his brief episcopate were largely unremarkable and unread , the waste of his inspired and inspiring vocation as a bishop has appeared both to contemporary and subsequent critics exasperating ; for his scruples about swearing the oath of allegiance to William and Mary were so nearly overcome by his friends that he asked them not to continue their arguments lest he succumb .
9 So Bobby found himself on the carpet — on the silk dressing gown — and on Rachel !
10 Had he gone to Glastonbury or come back by a secret route to Templecombe to hide himself in the church ?
11 On the set , Dustin cast himself as the sensible person , whereas Mia was busy ‘ talking to the spirit of Mozart ’ , perhaps under the influence of André Previn ( still married to Dory Previn ) , the conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra , with whom she had recently fallen in love .
12 Edrich and Close soon went , and on two occasions Roberts found himself on a hat-trick ; the second time , Selvey edged to Greenidge at slip — and he dropped morning was fine and only one more run was added .
13 Everyone started talking at once , and Mr Appin found himself in a storm of angry questions .
14 So Dustin found himself in the odd position of acting in English , while all around him the cast spoke Italian .
15 Rex drew himself to the business in hand .
16 As he turned back the coverlet of the bed where he must sleep alone , Frere consoled himself with the thought that what he was incapable of accomplishing himself might be accomplished for him by time and that providential hand , of which , in his earnest efforts outside the home , he was the faithful instrument .
17 Thorfinn lifted himself in the saddle and saw men 's heads turn , and the flash of a spear to be deflected .
18 Cunningham detached himself from the British game negotiating a £1 million transfer to Real Madrid in 1979 , the same year in which Maurice Hope of Antigua emulated Dixon , Turpin , Bassey and Conteh by winning a world boxing title .
19 Not many people know that Nick Faldo fancies himself as a comedian and a practical joker .
20 Rex adjusted himself in the driving mirror .
21 Following through in a single smooth action , Manville threw himself to the ground and rolled out of the doorway on to the sidewalk .
22 Richard threw himself on the floor screaming !
23 Tammuz threw himself into a chair and put his feet up on the edge of his workstation .
24 French President François Mitterrand dissociated himself from the statement because of a passage which , praising Soviet moves to democracy and " economic liberty " , said that market economies should be created in the Soviet republics .
25 The civil rights marches created an opportunity for Ian Paisley to put himself at the head of plebeian Protestant resistance to the civil rights movement .
26 Hilton addressed himself to the practical situation of his friend who felt himself torn by the demands of the active life impinging on his desire to pursue contemplation , and helps by showing that these two terms , so often used as opposites to refer to a manner of living , either as a professed religious or as a man of affairs , take their fundamental meaning from different inner conditions .
27 ‘ Are you trying to tell me , ’ Melissa began , on a low note that she could hear becoming steadily more shrill , ‘ that after stabbing Angy , Barney locked himself in the bathroom and left her to die while he calmly washed away her blood ?
28 Gibson Keddie finds himself on the wrong end of a tongue lashing …
29 Claire springs into bathroom with cry of rage ( the train goes at 8.21 ) Steven nicks himself with a safety razor that ca n't nick you .
30 These were years of growth in power and status for the skilled unions of mid-Victorian Britain , and Applegarth established himself among the leading union personalities of his day .
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