Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] support [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Dundee had received a commission from the deposed James II as his Commander-in-Chief in Scotland , and fled into the Highlands to gather support among the clans .
2 In 1879 she visited repealers in Plymouth to canvass support for the new bill , which proposed that the courts should remove children living in the society of depraved and disorderly persons and place them in industrial schools .
3 Most of the evidence from Mexico lends support to the spalding view , while the data on the Allende period in Chile show very distinct revolutionary potential .
4 The London governors were by now contemplating extreme measures but they could not persuade the Royal Agricultural Society of England to provide support of the kind Dick was getting in Scotland and their veiled threats in the petition were likewise unsuccessful .
5 White tribalists claim that the ANC lacks support beyond the Xhosa people , who are disproportionately represented at its head .
6 In December 1651 he joined Christopher Feake [ q.v. ] in calling a meeting at Allhallows to rally support for the millenarian cause .
7 The issue damaged his Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) government , however , to the extent that opinion polls in late February put support for the government at only 41 per cent , the lowest figure recorded since Kaifu took office in August 1989 .
8 The Petition Committee , set up in February to gain support for the memorandum , appealed to the Labour , Liberal and Cooperative Parties , for the " parties of progress to work together " .
9 Issued to 144 Squadron ( becoming ‘ PL-K ’ ) at Leuchars , the unit trained-up and ferried out to Vaenga I in the USSR to give support to the convoy lifeline around the top of Norway .
10 However , Dniestr and Gagauz districts in the fiercely separatist republics of Moldava , and the autonomous republic of Abkhazia and the autonomous region of South Ossetia in Georgia declared support for the SCSE , as did the Russian-speaking communities in the Baltic states .
11 I have already mentioned that Dicey finds support for the principle of Parliamentary sovereignty in the work of earlier writers .
12 Right : Japanese challenger Yuji Hirayama won support from the crowd .
13 Taylor demanded support from the Government against what he called ‘ these Scots spiders ’ and ‘ intolerable persons ’ .
14 Announcing the establishment of new climate monitoring centre , Thatcher offered support for the establishment of a convention on climatic change by the time of the UN 's 1992 world conference on the environment and development ( a proposal supported in Resolutions 44/229 and 44/207 ) ; and proposed that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change preparing a report for that conference be extended .
15 In return the Colorados pledged support for the government 's efforts to draw up an economic plan to combat inflation and reduce the fiscal deficit .
16 Thus during a visit to Moscow by the Malaysian Prime Minister , Datuk Hussein Onn , in September 1979 Kosygin expressed support for the ZOPFAN resolution since its implementation ‘ would establish a precondition for the widening of the process of détente over all the Asian continent ’ .
17 The PMDL provides support for the concept of inheritance via the keyword INHERIT-UPTO-STATE .
18 While there was a general recognition that the matter demanded further discussion , only Dalton urged support for the general thrust of Keynes 's paper .
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