Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [prep] him across " in BNC.

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1 He did not hear Lissa calling to him across the haze that separated them , and he would not come to her .
2 When he straightened up he saw Laidlaw looking at him across the roof of the car , a faint smile on his lips .
3 Kypov shouted at him across the few metres that separated them , and the breath spouted white from the Major 's mouth .
4 Sara went with him across the grass .
5 Coleby stared at him across the table .
6 Dalziel leered at him across the desk .
7 An old man , swathed in robes , sat before the fire ; he looked up when Corbett and Thomas squatted before him across the stones , peering at them with rheumy eyes , his lips parted in a toothless , dribbling smile .
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