Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] at the university " in BNC.

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1 Edward Anders at the University of Chicago , and Ernst Zinner of Washington University in St Louis , Missouri , have identified crystals of diamond , graphite and silicon carbide .
2 Donal Hickey at the University of Ottawa suggested a decade ago that sex — by which he meant the entirely puzzling need to mix the genes of different individuals while reproducing — first happened because certain genes selfishly forced their possessors to do it .
3 Last January BRL opened a 5,400 sq ft academic bookshop in Mappin Street at the University of Sheffield .
4 Dr David Hockin , working with Dr John Eaton and Dr Ken O'Hara at the University of Liverpool , is trying to find out what effects the carp have on the communities of animals and plants living in our waterways .
5 None of his offspring showed any sign of its donkey ancestry and this led W. S. Anderson at the University of Kentucky to conclude that ‘ this son of ‘ Old Bec ’ had originated from an ovum with no chromosomes from his grandsire the jack ’ .
6 In order to be considered for admission to a first degree or DipHE course at the University of Ulster , candidates should be in a position to satisfy :
7 The drawing has been authenticated by Dr Carlo Pedretti , director of the Armand Hammer Centre for Leonardo Studies at the University of California , Los Angeles .
8 The Centre was established in October 1983 and the overall direction of the five-year programme of work is the responsibility of Professor David Robinson , at the University of Hull and Professor Alan Maynard at the University of York .
9 In 1834 Little went to study with Johannes Müller at the University of Berlin in order to discover what could be done to correct his deformity , which English surgeons refused to treat , leaving it to the bone-setters .
10 The very productive switch in techniques to the use of Ameslan , initiated by Allen and Beatrice Gardner at the University of Nevada with Washoe in the mid-1960s .
11 This study of the ponds in Central Region was undertaken by Dr Olivia Lassiere at the University of Stirling .
12 The exhibition will be drawn from more than 45,000 glass plate negatives from the George Washington Wilson Archive at the university .
13 Englert and Klaus von Klitzing at the University of Würzburg discovered about five years ago .
14 In the United States at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Centre in Denver , Dr John T. Zimmerman , a noted energy field researcher , has developed a Biomagnetic Imager ( BMI ) which will detect and display in colour , on a screen , the changing patterns of the magnetic field energy surrounding a living organism .
15 A subset of the data is now being incorporated into a multinational comparative data set being compiled by Professor Gershuny at the University of Bath , which for the first time enables comparisons of trends in time use , for similar social groups , across time and across countries .
16 More than 5000 are expected to attend the ASE Conference at the University from 4–7 January 1991 .
17 Raúl Castro , having worked closely with PSP members at the university during 1952 , attended the Communist-sponsored Fourth World Youth Congress in Vienna in February 1953 and went on to visit Bucharest , Budapest and Prague .
18 These three ingredients collectively formed the background in which natural hazards research crystallized , although as noted earlier the origins clearly arose in North America and particularly derived from the work of Gilbert White at the University of Chicago , later at the University of Colorado , and leader of the Commission on Man and Environment ( 1968- ) of the International Geographical Union .
19 Settis has impeccably international credentials for such an international institution , having held , among other posts , professorships in classical art and archaeology at the University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore , served on the faculty of the Ecole Normale Superiéure at Paris and in1991 having been appointed the first Warburg Professor at the University of Hamburg .
20 This part of the story can be tested and recently I have had the opportunity with Dr Peter Wilkinson at the University of Glasgow to do so .
21 Dr Carl Chinn , Birmingham graduate , former bookie and soon to be Community Historian in Birmingham Studies at the University , speaks out in defence of his home city , which in 1989 voted him ‘ Brummie of the Year ’ .
22 In 1990 Lancaster came to an initial agreement with the Bembridge Education Trust for the future transfer of the key Ruskin collection formed by the Trust 's founder , J.H. Whitehouse , to a proposed new purpose-built Ruskin Library at the university .
23 Ruth Lilis at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York and Allen Kraut at the University of Manitoba investigated the cases of six workers who developed coughs , nosebleeds , tightness in the chest and other symptoms after repairing an underground cable .
24 Now two Americans , Vincent Wilson and Peter Jones at the University of Southern California , have evidence that one of the actions of cancer-causing chemicals may be to jam the mechanism that normally keeps these genes — as well as other cellular genes — under control .
25 OWL , which has 89 staff , has developed Guide hypertext software , based on work done by Professor Peter Brown at the University of Kent .
26 In January 1990 it entertained Birmingham alumni at the University 's London reunion .
27 My father was a friend of Charles Julian at the university and they kept up . ’
28 Cellular hara-kiri was first dubbed ‘ apoptosis ’ ( the second ‘ p ’ is silent ) by Alastair Currie , John Kerr and Andrew Wyllie at the University of Edinburgh .
29 And eyewitnesses are also influenced by the way the interrogator asks the questions , as Elizabeth Loftus at the University of Washington has shown .
30 A suggestive picture of how it works can be pieced together , as long as you do not mind taking the pieces from different studies of different drugs : work on cocaine by Nora Volcow at Brookhaven National Laboratory , among others ; on cocaine and amphetamines by Bruce Cohen of McLean Hospital in Boston ; on heroin by Zvi Vogel at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot in Israel and Anton Shofelmeer at the Free University in Amsterdam ; and on benzodiazepines ( such as Valium ) by Erick Sigel at the University of Berne .
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