Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] believe that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the other extreme , Prof Patrick Minford believes that most of the UK 's problems are cyclical and will disappear as a spontaneous recovery takes root , filling the Chancellor 's coffers with tax revenues and creating new jobs , so long as the Chancellor has continued to keep inflation under control .
2 Richard Pulteney believed that these two doctors , together with Rutherford , Sinclair and Plummer were responsible for Edinburgh 's reputation as one of the finest medical schools in Europe , and Miller preferred Alston 's Medical Essays to ‘ all the Modern Books of Physick ’ .
3 Dr Tysoe believes that social attitudes are changing .
4 Dr Nakamura believes that these changes happen within the lifetime of a magpie , suggesting that the birds may be improving their powers of discrimination through learning .
5 Although adopting an integrated problem based course may be one way of achieving elaboration , Dr Coles believes that such radical approaches are not essential .
6 Researchers at Bristol University believe that low doses of naturally occurring human steroids can prevent the progressive destruction of joints of people who have rheumatoid arthritis .
7 Donald Gould believes that some heroic attempts to save life are misguided
8 Mr McKiernan believes that this service will have an even more important role to play in the financial services sector in the future .
9 Mr Llambias believes that many potential mergers founder because news of talks gets out , pointing to past examples such as Price Waterhouse and Arthur Andersen , Touche Ross and De-loittes UK and Clark Pixley and Temple Gothard .
10 Hong Kong authorities believe that most boat people will acquiesce rather than violently resist attempts to send them back to Vietnam , but this apparent passivity can be deceptive .
11 Mrs D'Ancona believes that this will allow each museum director to take his own stand on this controversial issue .
12 For instance , does Professor Lee believe that professional accountants should not also be commercial ?
13 Mrs Thatcher believed that greater local democracy would lead to a voter rebellion against high spending local authorities , forcing them to be less ambitious and more efficient .
14 Kao Tzu believed that each man , at birth , was like a willow tree , and that righteousness was like a bowl .
15 Boss Lennie Lawrence believes that last season 's cup conflict was written in the stars .
16 But as she forecast in recent months ( The Art Newspaper No.19 , June 1992 , p.3 ) , Ms Radice believes that sexual content is grounds for a grant 's denial .
17 The nineteenth century Germanic philologist Jakob Grimm believed that grammatical gender was in some sense a more advanced form of natural gender .
18 Jean Jacques Rousseau , famous French philosopher , whose view of human nature , was what I would call optimistic , in the sense that , by contrast to Thomas Hobbes , John Rousseau believed that human beings were basically good .
19 Less than a quarter of Oxfordshire teachers believe that any important matters have been omitted from their report .
20 Nevertheless , Michael Bailey believes that this could be the beginning of the end of Asian drive fisheries , and that by working with people , with an understanding of their culture and needs , cooperation can result .
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