Example sentences of "[adv] at a [adj] rate " in BNC.

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1 ICI supplies large quantities of ‘ Propathene ’ for all of those applications [ including , of course , its own ‘ Propafilm ’ ] and expects their growth to continue [ though perhaps at a slower rate than in the immediate past ] .
2 The change over the past 2,700 years means days have been getting longer at an average rate of 1.7 milliseconds per 100 years .
3 The Himalayas , whose rise began maybe 50 million years ago , are still climbing heavenwards at an average rate of seven millimetres per year , double the speed of their advance ten million years ago , though such rates are by no means constant .
4 ‘ These drills run at a tremendous speed , ’ the father said , ‘ so when I switch on the drill the mileage numbers on the speedo spin backwards at a fantastic rate .
5 With a zoom , however , it is larger when the angle is wide and the lens is at a short setting ( eg 25mm ) and becomes smaller as the focal length increases — the beam of light , originally wide , is ‘ squashed ’ within the longer tube and becomes narrower , while distances between camera and mirror and between mirror and screen remain the same ( the screen would have to move backwards at a measured rate for the image to stay the same size ) .
6 erm and the North Koreans were going backwards at a vast rate of knots and in came the Chinese the Chinese army , it stood at that time I think at twenty five million men erm and , and Douglas started losing again , sad really is n't it ?
7 Further telephone borrowing is possible at the discretion of the Bank and usually at an increased rate of interest .
8 And would they still get the income support after that but still at a reduced rate or not ?
9 The use of calendar rather than trading time may be because interest accrues in calendar time , and information arrives during non-trading periods ( although possibly at a slower rate than in trading time ) .
10 But according to well-placed sources , various radical schemes are now under consideration , including abolition of mortgage tax relief and the extension of VAT to all zero-rated goods , including new buildings , public transport , children 's clothes and food , possibly at a lower rate of 5 per cent .
11 Major research collections are still growing , even though probably at a slower rate than in the 1980s , so they require housing , and the collections of every major research library are in states of disintegration and embrittlement .
12 They abound now at an ever-increasing rate .
13 In Thailand a traditional form of entertainment is proving invaluable in the nationwide effort to educate country people about AIDS , which is increasingly at an alarming rate in all areas of the country .
14 Rather than saying that £100 invested today at an annual rate of 10 per cent will yield £110 in 12 months ' time , we say that £1 10 due in 12 months ' time has a present value of £100 today .
15 The income is generally paid annually in arrears — this is the rate quoted in this article — although it can be paid more frequently at a lower rate .
16 Food must escape this time , even at a lower rate , given the inflationary implications of levying a tax — not to mention the political sensitivities involved .
17 You must pay full stamps for about a quarter of the qualifying years in your working life to get any basic pension at all — even at a reduced rate .
18 It argues that , even at a reduced rate , VAT on imports from outside the EC would seriously damage the London art market .
19 The annual survey on the Norwegian economy published in early March 1991 by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) reported that inflation , then at an annual rate of 4.5 per cent , was " below the rates prevailing in most trading partner countries " , and that there was a current-account surplus for the third year in succession after several years of difficult adjustment following the mid-1980s fall in oil prices .
20 By ruling in favour of the appellant , a schoolmaster at Malvern College , whose two sons were educated there at a concessionary rate , the Lords have avoided what has been described as an ‘ administrative nightmare ’ .
21 An intelligent controller can track the position of the pen and record its location either at a fixed rate ( such as 16 times per second ) or whenever the operator presses a button .
22 Pointing , at best , some sixty degrees off the wind , and drifting downwind at an alarming rate , we made little or no progress during the next three days .
23 They were mesmerized by him and he drove the comedic tension forward at a great rate . ’
24 Is the Minister alarmed by the news that appeared in the New York Times last Friday of the help that China has given to Algeria and North Korea in the advanced development of their nuclear weapons and by the fact that a new arms race for conventional and nuclear weapons is roaring ahead at an unprecedented rate ?
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