Example sentences of "[adv] be determine by the " in BNC.

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1 It could only be determined by the justices upon whatever evidence was put before it , and the effect of that must then be put into perspective .
2 The photocopier has made reliance on a publisher less necessary than it was , but the future of the material coming from parish musicians will nevertheless be determined by the passage of time and the growing musical literacy of the public .
3 This fear of the mob has continued to haunt the executive , who saw that control could best be determined by the installation of a professional police organization formulated on strict hierarchic , semi-militaristic lines , and possessed of discipline , obedience , and loyalty .
4 What the purpose of a particular statute is will normally be determined by the courts as a matter of construction , and it is interesting what influences judicial thinking in this respect .
5 This is not a guide as to when to call on expert medical advice which should always be determined by the condition of the patient and carried out at whatever stage you would normally call upon such help whether or not you are treating them with Homoeopathic remedies .
6 The appeal by the National Grid Company against Langbaurgh borough council 's refusal of planning permission for a sub-station at Lackenby , a vital part of the proposals , would also be determined by the inquiry .
7 My Lords , this appeal arises out of a memorandum of agreement dated 19 December 1930 and said to have created a lease for a term which was not limited to expire by effluxion of time and can not now be determined by the landlord .
8 In particular , the long-run rate of growth of output may no longer simply be determined by the growth of effective labour .
9 The correlation is much higher than that with male age at marriage , leading him to hypothesize that ‘ the educational power of a family system may well be determined by the strength of maternal authority ’ ( p. 17 ) .
10 Secondly , what is or is not needless killing will again be determined by the role of the animals in the practices in which we employ them .
11 Refraction at c and c' will again be determined by the law of refraction , so that an observer viewing the raindrop will see the red and blue components of the white light separated ( and also all the other colours of the spectrum ) .
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