Example sentences of "[adv] be found [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Faster responses will only be found for the activated meaning
2 People can write words so that they look like other words , or do n't look like any word at all , so the correct word can only be found from the surrounding words in context .
3 Reasons can only be found in the unique significance of human life and in the need to mark out , and to prevent , conduct which causes its loss .
4 If it had become axiomatic that the author ( or ‘ scriptor ’ in Ricardou 's terminology ) had become decentred and that the novel could not represent any psychological or social reality , then the origins of a text could only be found in the self-generating aspect of language itself .
5 The French chef from Montreal was not there , I soon discovered , because he was a she , and could only be found in the women 's changing room .
6 A bourgeoisie on the European pattern , distinct in outlook from the oligarchy that controlled the municipal government and the guilds , could only be found in the merchants and shippers of the great ports .
7 The reason can perhaps be found in the fact that company law as an academic discipline boasts no long and distinguished pedigree .
8 In an effort to boost club funds , a small tent will soon be found on the far side of the ground .
9 Evald08 , for example , contained over 63 million paths , but the utterance — You may wonder what happens to our boys and girls and the answer can best be found in the pages of the old boys and girls magazine — is 22 words long .
10 History books can usually be found under the following classification systems :
11 In fact , almost every type of tree has a species of Eriophyes associated with it , and the galls they produce can usually be found on the leaves even after they have fallen .
12 When she 's not having a drink or tucking into a bag of crisps , the five month old badger cub can usually be found on the snooker table .
13 Among the earliest souvenirs to be hawked to the victorious Allied troops who marched into Beirut on 8 October 1917 was a horrific picture postcard , old copies of which can still be found in the antiquarian bookshop that sells the David Roberts lithographs on Makhoul Street .
14 I feel this is possibly not a good thing at this present time , when every spectrum of Rottweiler size , shape and type can still be found in the show ring : further expansions of the gene pool can only have a destructive effect .
15 The heroic lay had been the fare of royal and princely halls in earlier centuries ; and traces of these , as they survived in Iceland in later times , can still be found in the poetic Edda .
16 Some of his inventions in the field of navigational instruments can still be found in the island .
17 Any piece of rotten meat that could still be found in the enclave was slipped over an improvised fish hook , attached to a rope and hurled over the parapet in the vain hope of catching a jackal or a pariah dog that might swallow it .
18 Frequently , the boundaries of the areas of land are described and these refer to topographical features which can sometimes still be found in the landscape .
19 Several more substantial gentry houses can still be found in the rural parts of Dronfield 's large parish .
20 Saxon remains could still be found among the buildings , there is a Saxon crypt to the church , and the setting is hauntingly beautiful .
21 When she was missing on the set , she could always be found in the stars ' dressing-rooms .
22 He pointed out that although they would automatically have carried out such precautions , water would always be found in the deeper parts of the mine .
23 Morton went everywhere , boldly going where no man , except possibly George Borrow , had gone before , and visiting more locations in his tiny motor car than will ever be found in the recorded voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise .
24 However , for ease of administration the production number is no longer used , and commencing with 358 the constructor 's number can also be found on the tailplane , i.e. SU-AZJ is inscribed " Fan Jet Falcon No 358 " .
25 The wings are of flamed maple with two layers of walnut , separated from the central body section by ebony , itself edged by fine multi-coloured veneering , which can also be found under the fretboard and headstock facing .
26 Kierkegaard , Søren ( 1813–1855 ) A Danish philosopher often regarded as the founding father of the modern school of thought ‘ existentialism ’ , although the influence of this wide-ranging and original thinker can also be found in the neo-orthodox theology of Karl Barth .
27 Once an interaction has been found in one of the effects in a table such as figure 13.10 , it will also be found in the other .
28 Other items on motorway-induced development can also be found in the sections on retail , high tech and housing development .
29 The rare great sun dew and the rarer still oblong-leaved sun dew , the common butterwort and the three species of bladderwort , can also be found in the wet places of the Lake District .
30 In fact confusion can also be found in the accounting literature .
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