Example sentences of "[adv] for a [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 Grimsbury Secondary Modern was on the other side of the town , and had to be accommodated — I believe it was , successfully — within the plans , but only for a transitional period .
2 The complexity was intended to last only for a transitional period .
3 If she is severely disturbed emotionally , above the level normally expected in bereavement , and if she can not sleep , he may prescribe tranquillisers and a night sedative ; but this will usually be only for a limited period to help her over a particularly bad patch , as he will not want her to become addicted to these drugs , which if taken for too long may delay the normal grieving process which she will need to experience if she is to make a satisfactory recovery .
4 If a group wittingly shares an attitude over a relevant issue but does so only for a limited period of time before falling into disarray , it would be difficult to refer to the group as an elite in any meaningful sense since the outcomes would be insignificant .
5 The UK had maintained that rates should be left for the market to decide , and had demanded the indefinite maintenance of discretionary zero rating for sensitive items ( the Commission 's position being that zero rating would be tolerated only for a limited period ) .
6 The battle of the Catalaunian Plains was proof that the imperial policy could work , if only for a limited period of time .
7 It says that about 98,000 young people go missing annually , sometimes only for a short period .
8 We then test them thoroughly — but often only for a short period as we wish to get the latest fishkeeping news — including the latest products — straight to our readers .
9 In the end we all agree that AZT is an effective drug , but only for a short period . ’
10 It seems that Gainsborough produced such works as favours for important clients , but only for a short period in his career , later preferring oil on paper for smaller portraits of this sort .
11 Only for a short period in the mid-1980s , when commodity prices and demand for semi-conductors slumped , did Malaysia risk hitting its borrowing ceiling .
12 Whether or not these jobs were available only for a short period of time , they were regarded by their holders as temporary .
13 This is a natural condition before menarche , and it re-occurs after menopause , during pregnancy as well as after abortion or birth ( post-partum amenorrhoea ) that lasts for some months even if the women does not breastfeed or nurses only for a short period .
14 The Government warned that it would apply only for a short period .
15 But they do , they get paid a lot of money but only for a short period of time .
16 In the event , two professors — Moorcroft and Coleman — were appointed , but only for a brief period .
17 Fifty years later they captured Delphi , if only for a brief period .
18 We are delighted that is willing to stand again for election as Hon. Treasurer , but she feels it would be in the Society 's interest to have an Assistant Treasurer who would become familiar with our accounting methods and be able to take over should be away for a short period .
19 total sponsorships of a vehicle ( normally for an initial period of 3 years )
20 What , will it be just for a short period cos it was n't nine o clock ?
21 Three , you could arrange payment of the deposit as requested , possibly for a certain period of time and possibly for a smaller amount than demanded , this would no doubt by in the process of the licence .
22 He has been Professor of Architecture at the University of Belgrade , and was also for a brief period in the early 1980s the Mayor of the city .
23 British immigration officials have extended Natasha 's visa until February 1993 and have said that it will be renewed automatically for a certain period of time after that .
24 Secondly , a director is likely to be restricted by his service contract from competing with his employer at any time while employed by the company , and probably for a short period afterwards .
25 ( Figure 5.10 ) Front and rear wheels are expected to occupy the table simultaneously for a brief period .
26 Furthermore , Finch ( 1989 ) suggests that much co-residence between relatives was driven by economic imperatives and was often for a temporary period only .
27 By sheer grace God will not permit us to live even for a brief period in a dream world … .
28 Many of the debts sued for , all undefended , had been outstanding for three , four , five and six years , or even for a longer period .
29 She needed time to digest the idea of Bridget and Geoffrey having been lovers , even for a short period .
30 If you are going abroad for an extended period , the other option is to take your dog with you .
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