Example sentences of "[adv] a minister [prep] state " in BNC.

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1 Francis Maude , hitherto a Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , took over Lilley 's former post as Financial Secretary to the Treasury ; Tristan Garel-Jones and the Earl of Caithness became Ministers of State at the Foreign Office , and Alastair Goodlad took over from Garel-Jones as Treasurer of Her Majesty 's Household ( Deputy Chief Whip ) .
2 Hüsnü Dogan , hitherto a Minister of State , was appointed Defence Minister on Oct. 28 .
3 Jospin himself , hitherto a Minister of State , left the cabinet , as did five Ministers ( four PS members and Brice Lalonde who had been the sole representative of Génération Ecologie ) .
4 Jaroslaw Kaczynski , head of the Presidential Chancellery and Minister of State , and Lech Kaczynski , also a Minister of State , resigned on Oct. 31 .
5 This was soon followed by the establishment of the larger veterinary school at Alfort near Paris , thanks to the interest of Bourgelat 's friend Henri-Leonard Jean-Baptiste Bertin ( 1719–1792 ) who was Louis 's comptroller general of finance , and later a minister of state whose portfolio covered agriculture .
6 His successor , Mehmet Yazar , formerly a Minister of State , was appointed on March 1 and thus became Turkey 's third Defence Minister since the start of the Gulf crisis [ see p. 37786 ] .
7 Havers strenuously denied that there had been a cover-up , and Mr Douglas Hurd , then a Minister of State at the Foreign Office , maintained that a full inquiry into the affair had revealed nothing to suggest that national security had been prejudiced .
8 In reply to a parliamentary question in 1984 , Peter Morrison ( then a Minister of State for Employment ) confirmed that ‘ the Government is not convinced that legislating against age discrimination in employment would be beneficial or practicable .
9 Last year Timothy Raison , then a minister of state at the Home Office , said : ‘ There are no present plans to link Heathrow airport with the immigration and nationality department computer , which is now at Bootle . ’
10 In evidence to the UK House of Commons select committee on foreign affairs on July 11 , 1990 , Francis Maude , then a Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with special responsibilities for Hong Kong , stated that with regard to the influx of Vietnamese " boat people " into the colony , he did not exclude mandatory repatriation in future and said that the voluntary scheme was working well .
11 André Cools , 63 , currently a Minister of State and mayor of the Flémalle suburb of the city of Liège , was shot dead in a car park in Liège in the early hours of July 18 .
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