Example sentences of "[adv] far as [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If we care about other people — and if we want so far as possible to affirm other people — we shall walk warily before dismissing out of hand , discourteously or clumsily , what is deeply meaningful to them .
2 She wished so far as possible to respect in her dominions the rights of the provincial estates , the greatest bastions of resistance to change .
3 The general purpose of these provisions is to allow the court so far as possible to settle competing claims in one set of proceedings .
4 The 1986 Manual also reported that ‘ The Treasury have directed that the format ( rather than the content ) of the annual accounts of all public sector bodies ( i.e. including Health Authorities ) should so far as possible follow that of the private sector ’ ( para 3 , Ch 1 ) .
5 What the ordinary man most wanted of the State was that it should so far as possible leave him alone .
6 However R.15 requires a declaration when a company applies for recognition that its memorandum and articles enable it ( i ) to remain in compliance with certain key rules and ( ii ) so far as possible to ensure continued compliance by its shareholders with certain key Rules .
7 ( b ) that the memorandum and articles of association of the body are such as to enable the body ( i ) to continue to comply with Rules 3–6 and ( ii ) so far as possible to ensure continued compliance by its members with Rules 5 and 6 ;
8 ( 8 ) A recognised body shall so far as possible ensure that its members comply with this Rule and Rule 6 . ’
9 R.5(8) provides that a recognised body shall so far as possible ensure that its shareholders comply with Rs.5 and 6 ( R.6 makes provision with respect to mental health ) .
10 ( 8 ) A recognised body shall so far as possible ensure that its members comply with this Rule and Rule 6 .
11 ( 3 ) A recognised body shall not enter in its register of members any person until that person has submitted a Compensation Fund covenant to the Council and shall so far as possible ensure that all beneficial owners of any shares submit such a covenant to the Council .
12 Accordingly , the draftsman should so far as possible ensure that the plan is accurate .
13 They are expected so far as practicable to make decisions on benefit entitlement within 14 days , but this time limit is frequently exceeded .
14 the terms of any such scheme ( an ‘ overseas scheme ’ ) shall , so far as practicable having regard to the local circumstances , confer benefits which in the opinion of the Directors are substantially similar to those which will be conferred by the proposed British Gas Executive Share Option Scheme to be approved as Resolution 11 ( ‘ the Scheme ’ ) ; and
15 Section 3 of that Act so far as relevant provides :
16 All necessary and desirable directions for disposing of the proceedings should be given at the pre-trial review , and the parties should as far as practicable ask for all the directions they need at the pre-trial review , giving prior notice to all interested parties ( Ord 17 , rr 1 and 3 ) .
17 I wanted as far as possible to forearm the boy at the beginning of adolescence — not ramming a weapon into his hand willy-nilly , but showing him the size and shape of it and where it lies in such a way that he would take it up without realizing he was doing so and find himself using it when he needed to .
18 Terminology as far as possible conforms to that used by the Electronic Engineering Association and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in their software standards publications .
19 as far as possible avoid buying animal products such as coral , ivory , tortoiseshell , reptile skin shoes and handbags , fur coats and any fancy goods which contain any of these .
20 The second basic historical principle is that of discrimination in the use of force : that the use of weapons should be directed at military targets and should as far as possible avoid damage to the civilian population and buildings such as churches , museums , historic monuments and hospitals , as well as neutral states and their nationals .
21 You may need to help residents dress , bath or use the toilet , but as far as possible help them to be independent .
22 The SATs , it was argued , should be integrated into the curriculum as far as possible using a wide variety of practical tasks and observations .
23 The administration of these services is decentralised as far as possible to conform with these areas in more accessible mini-town halls .
24 Craft or small-scale industries should as far as possible exploit local materials and have a high value added that can be retained by the producer .
25 His aim in this was as far as possible to translate changes of tones into changes of colour , feeling that only by this method could the full saturation and pressure of colour be realized .
26 Integrated rural development advocates the promotion of community-led initiatives , geared to the needs of specific target groups in the rural population and as far as possible utilising indigenous resources to meet those needs .
27 We try as far as possible to relate the work we do in the Technical Department to what goes on in industry and commerce .
28 I shall try as far as possible to discuss matters of principle rather than of particular detail .
29 In particular it wanted to ensure that British nuclear thinking , planning , targeting and developments as a whole evolved along lines which were compatible with and were harnessed as far as possible to fit in with its own requirements .
30 This approach is difficult to reconcile with the principle of supremacy of Community law and would not seem to be the correct way to apply the principle of indirect effect the duty of the national courts to interpret national law as far as possible to bring it into line with Community obligations .
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