Example sentences of "[adv] far as [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In appearance everything had been altered since then , and — so far as looks went — much for the better , but nearly everything he cared about most was enshrined in these earliest recollections .
2 Mrs Kelleher , Willie 's mother , was keeper of the gate and lived in its lodge — so far as Nicandra knew Silly-Willie had no father .
3 But over and above that , most Americans in the late eighteenth century believed that , in so far as government had any impact on their lives , it would be local government , it would be the government of their state and not the remote government in Washington which most people in the eighteenth century had never visited or knew anything about erm or li knew little of what it did .
4 I argue that race may be a factor in the puzzle but only in so far as blacks feel their belonging to a specific race may affect their futures .
5 So far as futures dealing is concerned , the key exclusion is that for market counterparties , although investors in corporate finance transactions can also be excluded ( see page 33 below ) and trust beneficiaries are in any event not customers ( see page 34 below ) .
6 In so far as history aspires to meaning , it is doomed to select regions , periods , groups of men and individuals in these groups and to make them stand out , as discontinuous figures , against a continuity barely good enough to be used as a backdrop .
7 Mr. Beazley submitted that the court 's decision in paragraphs 17 and 18 of the judgment , which is also reflected in the answer given to the question in the court 's ruling , is conclusive in his favour and determinative of the construction of article 5(3) ; and that in consequence articles 5(1) and 5(3) are to be construed as mutually exclusive , but as all-embracing so far as actions to establish any kind of liability of the defendants are concerned .
8 Put another way , in so far as companies have power , is not that power justifiable on the basis that those who exercise it can claim a moral right to do so ?
9 In so far as women had played a prominent part in Romanian politics , the precedents were not happy .
10 In so far as women have these contacts rather than men — even if sometimes they are , as it were , on behalf of men — it is likely that they are in a position to mobilize support in a way that men are not .
11 In so far as schooling proved too " mechanical " a procedure for influencing the pupils ' subjectivities in the approved manner , efforts were also made to influence home life in a more direct fashion .
12 In so far as Whitehall had considered these matters it had been vaguely assumed that a status quo ante would be established and the Dutch in the Netherlands East Indies , the French in Indochina , and the Colonial Office in Burma and Malaya would resume their rightful sway .
13 In so far as decorum allows I have tried to do so myself , and at some cost to my reputation for a sympathetic bedside manner .
14 In so far as institutions find it more profitable to invest abroad , UK companies may find it more difficult to float new share issues .
15 The function of a library service is to provide so far as resources allow , all books , periodicals , etc. , other than the trivial , in which its readers claim legitimate interest .
16 As we have seen , in so far as Washington valued the special relationship it was essentially for hard-headed reasons of self-interest , and in the mid-1960s three issues in particular were to bring about a marked weakening of the old ties .
17 In the case of a company limited by shares , normally the only liability imposed on a shareholder as such will be to pay up the nominal value of the shares and any premium in so far as payment has not already been made by a previous holder .
18 In so far as Ferdinand had a system it was the restoration of the machinery of government and the society that he had known in 1808 : ministerial despotism superimposed on the old Councils , the very system the Persians professed to abhor .
19 True , what he had felt for Kee was at the time a stronger passion , and so far as charm went they could n't be compared .
20 payments of capital do not attract inheritance tax liability , except in so far as income earned by the fund has not been paid out .
21 In so far as leaks advertise unhappiness about a line of policy they undermine the principle of collective responsibility , as well as the confidentiality of proceedings .
22 Most often associated with the school of functional sociology , these ideas have as axiomatic a pluralist integrative approach to political development , in which the centre is synonymous with authority ; and in so far as societies fail to conform with the model of integrated consensual authority , they are not properly modern .
23 There do not appear to have been any empirical studies which have looked for an increase in the amount of information reflected in share prices as a result of the commencement of trading in index futures ( except in so far as volatility reflects information ; see Chapter 13 ) .
24 In so far as tactics have evidently changed ( for instance in public order policing : McCabe et al . ,
25 In so far as Preobrazhensky claimed that there was a law of primitive socialist accumulation in the Soviet economy which operated along with the law of value , he denied that there could be one , single , regulator for the whole economy .
26 It is also how one must determine whether others have acted well or not , so far as externals go , though how far they have acted well in a proper inward sense , that is , how far they have been truly guided by the categorical imperative , rather than by the calculations of self interest , is hidden away in the depths of their being , hidden perhaps even from themselves .
27 In literate society , these interlocking conversations go on ; but they are no longer man 's only dialogue ; and in so far as writing provides an alternative source for the transmission of cultural orientations it favours awareness of inconsistency .
28 This involves a medical solution in so far as GPs seek medical care in a hospital environment .
29 The Tiebout hypothesis appears to mitigate this , in so far as individuals reveal their preferences by ‘ voting with their feet ’ .
30 In so far as Anselm had a policy as archbishop beyond the pastoral duties outlined in Gregory the Great 's Regula Pastoralis , the defence of the Canterbury primacy formed its foundation and the legislation of his two primatial Councils were its crowning achievement .
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