Example sentences of "[adv] assume that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is not good enough to assume that physical restrictions to access to college buildings can be removed , in one fell swoop , by the construction of a ramp or the fitting of a handrail .
2 Which she foolishly assumed would be easy , because she had foolishly assumed that Irish villages were like English ones .
3 It is generally assumed that international forces have a great influence on the UK so that it is the international economy which determines the character of the crossroads now facing the UK .
4 Although the calculations available in the literature have very largely assumed that direct files are loaded using two passes , there are a number of cases in which a one-pass load occurs in practice .
5 " An ambassador " , wrote an anonymous author of the early seventeenth century , " must not permit or allow anyone to challenge or in any other way offend the honour of his Prince on any subject at all " , while more than sixty years later Wicquefort could still assume that ceremonial niceties must be an essential preoccupation of any diplomat .
6 For example , hearing impairments provide a common aetiology for linguistic difficulties among deaf children and for this reason it is usually assumed that deaf children will respond to therapy in similar ways .
7 Unlike incremental/line-item budgeting , ZBB does not automatically assume that existing programmes will continue in succeeding years .
8 This theory was elaborated at length by Marx for capitalism but he also assumed that similar phenomena would occur in non-capitalist systems .
9 Although it has been traditionally assumed that Labour Governments are more susceptible to defeat in the Lords than Conservative administrations , Brazier concludes that the Lords have been surprisingly even-handed in dealing out legislative defeats .
10 Policy-makers and commentators in many countries of the world have often assumed that small farmers and peasants in mountainous and/or environmentally degraded areas will abandon their hillside plots if given other opportunities elsewhere , so that the state by various means can ease population pressure on steep slopes by encouraging or at least not inhibiting colonisation of new areas .
11 It is often assumed that personal contacts will push through more of your material than that of other PROs and that you will be able to ask for favourable comment here and there .
12 It is widely assumed that different ICUs can be compared by the ratio of actual mortality to that predicted by the APACHE score .
13 Finally , it almost invariably assumes that substantial improvements can be obtained with the same resources .
14 It is frequently assumed that large corporations act in roughly the same manner , whether they are part of the public or the private sector , and that their industrial relations follow the same pattern , too .
15 And they have too readily assumed that legislative changes , such as the Obscene Publications Act , 1959 , the Sexual Offences Act , 1967 , the Abortion Act , 1967 and others , are sufficient evidence in support of the second , that the rules governing behaviour changed .
16 Perhaps the most important point to make is that , as part of affirmatively assessing elders , we should never assume that unconscious processes are less important or less worthy of exploration than they are in other people .
17 Let us therefore assume that nervous disorders act as an intervening variable .
18 He seems to have been a somewhat slipshod caretaker , complacently assuming that ill-coordinated groups of rebels could pose no significant threat to seasoned English troops .
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