Example sentences of "[adv] serve [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any tenderness between the two of them would be a sham as far as he was concerned , merely serving to emphasise the absence of love , and perhaps like her he felt that a relationship characterised by so much other feeling ought to be loving as well , that the depth of desire he felt for her should have been merely a facet of love instead of the whole .
2 He found himself involved in an argument about silver wrapping-paper only serving to accentuate the paltriness of a gift .
3 They only served to emphasise the power and toughness which was the man beneath the civilised veneer , and Fran shivered , wishing she had never started this by letting her emotions come to the surface .
4 In better days , however , it merely served to guarantee the privacy of the sovereigns and as a diversion for the Prince Imperial who enjoyed running up and down it when he came to play with his parents .
5 ( They have also recognized the political virtues of pluralistic multi-party democracy , which pluralism appeared to celebrate while Marxists previously derided it as ‘ bourgeois democracy ’ which merely served to mystify the reality of class oppression . )
6 But nationalism is a treacherous weapon and may rebound on its user and , especially after the failure of the European radical movements in 1848 , the Pan-Germanism and anti-semitism which Vienna adopted only served to stir the embers of Bohemian nationality .
7 The conversations with Alexander and his Foreign Minister , Prince Gorchakov , only served to underline the problems and did nothing towards providing a solution .
8 This action by the Social Work Department only served to compound the trauma the children were experiencing being removed from their homes and families at all .
9 The sense of betrayal and the risk of danger only served to intensify the experience , much more so than the most potent of drugs .
10 However , these only served to intensify the feeling that I was out of my depth .
11 Yet the very decision not to touch only served to heighten the awareness of what could happen when they did .
12 The acquisition of the clubs only served to inflame the disagreements between Branson and Nik Powell .
13 Established to rekindle Anglo-Italian relations after the Heysel disaster , the tournament has only served to blacken the name of soccer .
14 In this matter she had no desire to wish Doreen luck , because the mere thought of Silas 's naked body lying stretched in a bed beside Doreen 's slim form only served to twist the knife that had stabbed at her previously .
15 The decision to legalize Northern and Southern opposition groupings and to allow them representation in the transitional parliament only served to increase the sense of optimism surrounding unification .
16 But missionaries constantly encountered the idea of an interaction between supernatural power and material prosperity , and the complexity of this idea only served to increase the sensitivity which they needed to make an impact on the discussion .
17 But to his scholarly readers in Carolingian Europe that probably only served to emphasize the lesson that the interests of good kings and a flourishing church were closely intertwined .
18 While the government was to some extent successful in thereby isolating its opponents from their comrades in European Russia and elsewhere , the ‘ democratrization ’ of the political exile operation only served to disseminate the seeds and agents of revolutionary change in greater numbers and into the remotest corners of the empire .
19 However , in practice , the bow pushed into the main line by the wind only served to pull the float back into line with the wind minimising the work done by the rudder .
20 The reintroduction of stamp duty in August , which is the equivalent of 20% of the deposit required for a 95% mortgage , has only served to aggravate the problem .
21 Her eyes were rolling with terror as she began to struggle to free herself from the tenacious , sucking mud — struggles that only served to hasten the process and cause her to sink at an even greater rate .
22 These events , they argued , demonstrated that the hand of God himself was at work in the history with which the Bible deals , and so served to authenticate the Bible 's own divine origins .
23 The Confederation of British Industry , in particular , is concerned that , with investment falling sharply this year , the absence of business tax reductions can only serve to deepen the gloom .
24 Because this cake mixture uses baking powder to make it rise rather than gradual incorporation of air while beating , make sure you do not overbeat the mixture or add more than the specified amount of baking powder — this would only serve to toughen the cake and make it heavy .
25 First , sub-divisions would only serve to create the appearance of a more precisely demarcated critical field than is in fact the case .
26 These applications will be covered fully in Chapters 3 and 4 and can be seen as widening the range and scope of the school librarian 's tasks and in providing an up to date technological approach to school library management which can only serve to improve the status of the school librarian and further teacher/librarian cooperation .
27 Blocking your feelings will only serve to restrict the way to talk with a partner or someone else important to you .
28 It will only serve to annoy the claimants ' advisers and will not lead to a conducive climate for ultimate settlement .
29 Any other set of institutional arrangements which would allow member countries to retain a measure of monetary autonomy , however limited , would only serve to subvert the union 's credibility and , therefore , its durability .
30 Israeli officials reacted angrily to the suggestion , claiming that a UN presence in the territories would only serve to inflame the situation .
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