Example sentences of "[adv] cut [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The first here were from an assart only cut from the woods a few years back , it was a godsend indeed to them .
2 This time his 38-year-old legs were not quick enough to cut off the corners and trap his quarry for even the slightest roughing-up .
3 There were further cuts across the fingers where they flexed .
4 ‘ Skinhead ’ had already been used to describe the US marines , but a skinhead crop is not a crewcut , which is close cut at the sides and flat on top .
5 Electoral competition partly cuts across the struggles of functional elites , and , as we noted above , party leaders elected to government are Janus-faced : both statal and societal elites .
6 The army had deployed some 5,000 troops with air and naval support , the objective being not only to clear the area of LTTE bases but also to cut off the Tigers ' lines of communication southwards into Eastern Province .
7 Now cut in the tiles to the principal wall , then continue tiling by building up a pyramid shape .
8 Instead we want to focus on three different analytical conceptions of the state which can be discerned in elite theory accounts , and which partially cut across the divisions between classical elite theorists , the democratic elitists and radical elite theorists .
9 It was reported that the couple had made love for real , and that the scene had to be drastically cut by the censors .
10 From the Hawes End boat landings follow the nearby road to Skelgill Farm ( half mile ) and from there cut across the fields along a path to Littletown ( 1 mile ) .
11 We used to get a collar of rope , manilla rope , put it on to a truck and used to stretch it out first and then cut off the lengths .
12 Several of L'Orient 's editions of that autumn had also disappeared and in later issues , articles about the new Phalange party — the headlines still intact but the accompanying text missing — had been crudely cut from the pages .
13 Cover the cake with the appropriate pieces of fondant — for the front side with the holes , gently press on before neatly cutting around the holes and removing the pieces of surplus fondant .
14 Burying the ‘ evidence ’ he smeared the telltale marks on his blouse with mud , reluctantly cutting off the tops of his flying boots , hoping that the small holes in his uniform , from shrapnel , would pass unnoticed .
15 I had begun to shrink , become half human , to lose touch with my body and mentally cut off the bits that hurt so that they could n't be hurt any more .
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