Example sentences of "[adv] want to know the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Staughton J. thought that members of the business community would especially want to know the people with whom they were dealing and whether there was a parent company which would not allow its subsidiary to default .
2 Well if I only wanted to know the crossword and every single one is
3 Yes I think I should because a friend of mine said you 'd written one I ca n't find a book actually I do n't want a a proper book on breeding and all this sort of business I just want to know the character of these dogs
4 Often they just want to know the figures .
5 In the ambulance , I just wanted to know the damage .
6 they usually want to know the colour of your eyes and that sort of thing .
7 We certainly want to know the answer and the House of Lords , which is dealing with an appeal in the B and Q case , also wants to know the answer .
8 ‘ Do you really want to know the truth ?
9 She really wanted to know the answer .
10 The 1970s and 1980s saw large increases in turnover and in the average size of transaction , which meant greater risks for the jobbers who often wanted to know the direction of the deal before quoting a price .
11 Still he could n't reply , his head too full of questions to which he did n't particularly want to know the answers .
12 If the stick did n't lie flat , but went all tittymatawta hike a seesaw ) , he then wanted to know the reason for it .
13 Every employee occasionally wants to know the answer to this question .
14 We certainly want to know the answer and the House of Lords , which is dealing with an appeal in the B and Q case , also wants to know the answer .
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