Example sentences of "[adv] so far [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We should proceed beyond the immediate results of experience only so far as legitimate inductions will take us .
2 There is nothing constitutionally mandatory about any such particular structure but , both in existing legislation and particularly so far as internal civil service organisation is concerned , such a structure is assumed and there are heavy administrative costs involved in change .
3 Even if there is nothing legally obligatory about a particular scheme of vertical or horizontal devolution , there is , nevertheless , a measure of political compulsion , particularly so far as horizontal devolution is concerned .
4 But he is not directly accessible in any ordinary sense , nor can the necessity of the concept of God for the interpreting of our experience be demonstrated , at least so far as pure reflection on the nature of our knowledge can take us .
5 The distinction works only in part , at least so far as social work is concerned , but it allows the author to develop and use as a thread through the discussion , the historically gendered nature of the division between the so-called caring professions and professions such as medicine , law , and architecture .
6 It was a sign that Ceauşescu intended to go much further than Dej in rehabilitating the Romanian past and distancing the Communist regime from the original Soviet model , at least so far as public presentation went .
7 Article 19 of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( 1977 ) is , again so far as relevant , in the following terms :
8 In education operational time scales tend to be longer than commercial ones , certainly so far as joint projects are concerned .
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