Example sentences of "[adv] a [noun sg] in favour " in BNC.

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1 Well do you see this vote against opting out as a basically a vote in favour of the tertiary college plans for Banbury ?
2 These binocular cells can be made to fire by impulses arriving by way of fibres from either eye but there is normally a bias in favour of one eye or the other , the so-called ocular dominance of the cell .
3 If you 're really in favour of something , you vote for it twice but if you 're just a bit in favour of it you vote once .
4 ‘ Be aware ’ does of course recommend a sensibility open rather than closed to new impressions , but even the most greedy for new experience can not embrace joy and suffering with equal fervour , there is always a bias in favour of the enjoyable .
5 The government remains committed to Green Belt protection , conservation of agricultural land etc. but states that ‘ there is , therefore always a presumption in favour of allowing applications for development having regard to all material considerations , unless that development would cause demonstrable harm to interests of acknowledged importance ’ .
6 Finally , in tune with the government 's general philosophy , ‘ there is always a presumption in favour of allowing applications for development , having regard to all material considerations , unless that development would cause demonstrable harm to interests of acknowledged importance ’ .
7 If DeFreitas is out and Lamb remains unable to throw the ball properly , England 's outfield would have a Madame Tussaud 's look about it , which is also a point in favour of David Capel above Derek Pringle .
8 The circumstantial nature of the account of Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's teaching method and Molla Fenari 's place in it is also a point in favour of the Taskopruzade/Mecdi tradition .
9 This is , of course , not only a plea for common sense , but also an argument in favour of estimation rather than hypothesis testing — a vaccine efficacy estimate of 77% for these data has more meaning than a of 53.1 .
10 I heartily agree with him , and I suspect that that is really an argument in favour of federalism in due course — I would not necessarily be too frightened of taking that course .
11 For instance , another very common language that people use is PASCAL , there 's a growing , almost a cult in favour of it .
12 Lothian Regional councillors will put forward a case in favour of a postal referendum when the issue is discussed at a meeting of Labour groups at the start of the annual conference of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities in Dunblane .
13 In general voters in Ireland , like voters in all democracies , express primarily a choice in favour of one political party .
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