Example sentences of "[adv] be derived from the " in BNC.

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1 This raises the possibility that the genes present today in the chromosome of E. coli have not all been derived from the same ancestral population in the distant past — as have the genes of mice — but have come from very distantly related ancestors .
2 This modification can also be derived from the modified PRS rule of Section 3.3
3 Evidence on the risk for one organ , the thyroid gland , can also be derived from the occurrence of cancers on this gland in populations of two Pacific islands , who were exposed to irradiation and radioiodine concentration in the gland from fallout from a weapon test in 1954 .
4 A nominal diameter may also be derived from the volume of the pebble .
5 The shear modulus can also be derived from the data , being inversely proportional to the square of the period , where K is a factor depending on the shape and the size of the sample and I is the polar moment of inertia .
6 Support for that proposition can also be derived from the case of Re Sherry [ 1913 ] 2 Ch 508 at 512 .
7 The APT may now be derived from the above return generating processes .
8 Many sandstones with overgrowth cements exhibit little solution compaction at grain-to-grain contacts ( Fig. 5.26c , d ) ; the source of silica in such sediments can only partially be derived from the solution compaction and may largely result from the dissolution of opaline silica .
9 The squatting demoiselle with her broad back and splayed-out legs must surely be derived from the figure at the right of the Three Bathers owned by Matisse , a work which Picasso could well , indeed almost certainly must , have seen In a discussion of the general composition and appearance of the Demoiselles another possible influence should be mentioned : that of El Greco .
10 The configurational ( or combinatorial ) entropy S c can then be derived from the Boltzmann law and
11 Disease activity must therefore be derived from the degree of abnormal bowel uptake on abdominal scans .
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