Example sentences of "[adv] connected with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The most marked change however which is obviously connected with the smaller number of candidates is in the number of lost deposits which were only 35 against 64 .
2 For the left , the social contract was to be intimately connected with the industrial policy which had been taking shape under the auspices of the National Executive Committee over the early '70s .
3 Everywhere in the present-day world the strength of nationalism seems to be intimately connected with the increasing power of the state as it assumes ever greater responsibility for the stability of the economy and for economic growth .
4 She was a retired hospital nurse and Mark had often wondered why her noble profession , so intimately connected with the great events of life , should have made her so petty-minded .
5 Here , the fact that the adjective property is applicable to the object entity in a whole construction like ( 22 ) is intimately connected with the lexical meaning of the verb , and will thereby be understood to be applicable to the entity of the object even when that is considered in isolation .
6 In his Golden Bough Sir James Frazer had difficulty in making up his mind between the two rival theories of the fire-cults and fire-festivals which are found intimately connected with the agricultural year throughout those parts of the world where the sun is neither so bright nor so constant as in the cloudless skies of Egypt .
7 And that was intimately connected with the other problem .
8 In particular , it has a lower jaw so loosely connected with the upper that it can be pushed forward like a long narrow spoon .
9 By comparison with music , the visual arts barely touched him ( a fact presumably connected with the poor eyesight he had from birth ) , but he possessed a strong feeling for poetry , especially Romantic poetry .
10 One of the benefits of membership of some organisations is that specialist legal advice is made available , normally connected with the main business of the organisation .
11 The latter was once connected with the old ferry that crossed the Severn at this point .
12 The defence would have this effect where first , the plaintiff 's action is directly connected with the joint illegal enterprise and not merely incidental to it .
13 Originally excavated by Pendlebury of the Egypt Exploration Society in 1936 at the Chapel of the King 's Statue at el-Amarna in the Nile valley , the papyrus was probably connected with the official cult of King Akhenaton , the heretic pharaoh ( 1352–1336 BC ) .
14 However , the significant reduction in sentence is probably connected with the normative elements in the provocation doctrine , the elements of ‘ partial justification ’ .
15 Having re-evaluated one statement we must re-evaluate some others , which may be statements logically connected with the first or may be the statements of logical connections themselves .
16 Well M C A's are really connected with the green pound .
17 The fact surely is that , within any specific culture , the nature of the signals , and of the shared signifying system within which they must operate , is radically connected with the social organization of a very wide area of perceived reality .
18 A comprador mentality is the attitude that the best practices are invariably connected with the global capitalist system .
19 Psychologically , as the response is always rewarded when this crucial element is present , the response becomes more and more strongly connected with the relevant cue and extinguished as a response to other cues .
20 Cornwall was not then connected with the main railway system of England .
21 The second lecture , closely connected with the first and , like the first , closing with a portentous allusion to contemporary music drama , was given at the beginning of February , and dealt with the mysterious " death " of tragedy at the end of the fifth century .
22 Neither scholar had , strictly , gone through the stages necessary to qualify him for a mevleviyet , but the former was closely connected with the Grand Vezir Rustem Pasa , the latter with Sehzade Selim , later Sultan Selim 11 .
23 His swearing in by Mr Husak will bring together the two opposite poles of Czechoslovak politics — the unyielding dissident and the man most closely connected with the hard-line Communist regime that followed the Soviet-led 1968 invasion .
24 Usually teachers can expect detailed ( possibly too detailed ) help in English and Mathematics and sometimes also in Science and Religious Education , but often far less in local languages , Social Studies and cultural subjects , significantly enough , those subjects which are most closely connected with the local environment .
25 This is because the area of the brain associated with smell is very closely connected with the limbic area of the brain which is concerned with our most subtle responses such as emotion , memory , sex-drive and intuition .
26 Quedlinburg is now an unimportant town in the formerly East German Land of Sachsen-Anhalt , but it had its decades of glory in the early Middle Ages when it was closely connected with the German imperial court .
27 The rise of the Nevilles and the Percies in the late fourteenth century was the first occasion when families of genuine northern origin came into the front rank of the nobility — one may exclude the duchy of Lancaster from any such comment , because it was closely connected with the royal family and also held substantial lands in the Midlands and the South .
28 If the mother or anyone else connected with the birthing process shows any signs of lack of trust , anxiety , fear , pain , etc. take one dose as often as needed , perhaps as often as every 10 minutes , of Rescue Remedy ( one of the Bach Flower remedies ) .
29 The Germans then built a defensive fortress ( urbs ) in the border area , which in 983 was captured and burnt by the Danes , an action almost certainly connected with the great Slav rising which followed the death of the emperor Otto II .
30 It has further been suggested by Sengstock and Liang ( 1982 ) that abuse frequently occurs at times when other problems , both practical and emotional and not specifically connected with the old person , are occurring in the family .
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