Example sentences of "[adv] wider [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It remains the law that a trade union is not , and is not to be treated as if it were , a body corporate , but a much wider measure of tort liability is now imposed by the Employment Act 1982 .
2 Adrian is very much wider scope of food now , before , far more wary were n't you ?
3 All these comments apply to boys ' schools : the girls ' schools represented a much wider variation in style , and in many cases offered ( deliberately ) only a modestly academic education .
4 The French , very wisely , make a distinction between ‘ instruction ’ , the acquisition of knowledge and ‘ education ’ , which produces well rounded human beings the much wider preparation for life .
5 A school 's funding now depends above all on its pupil numbers , and open enrolment under the 1988 Act ( see Chapter 4 ) allows parents much wider choice of school for their children to attend .
6 Now the Singers contribute once a week , alternating with other musicians , and there is a much wider selection of music .
7 Since 1980 the JCT has provided the industry with a number of new model forms , giving the employer a much wider range of choice to suit his particular contractual needs .
8 It is a theory whose plausibility and aesthetic attractiveness in England was considerable at a time ( the later 1970s ) when the English choral tradition was flourishing and when many sensed the need for a change of direction after the loss of David Munrow ; by a kind of happy accident it has proved to be consistent with a much wider range of evidence than was initially suspected .
9 However , there was a much wider range of society at my second meeting .
10 One was the extension of school-based curriculum leadership roles across a much wider range of curriculum areas than was covered in the mid-1980s ( see Chapter 3 ) : in this sense , nearly every teacher is a curriculum leader ( or even a coordinator ) now .
11 The Bench Test covered a much wider range of work , though , not just the newsletter design we explained in the article .
12 For this reason , both the GCSE and records of achievement are likely to require a much wider range of assessment techniques to be employed than was normal for more knowledge-based examinations , with oral and practical components figuring significantly .
13 Real hypochondria encompasses a much wider range of symptomatology , is far more persistent , and is certainly not an occupational disease limited to would-be quacks .
14 However , the Committee did emphasize the need for a much wider range of accommodation than had been provided before the war , and so they were drawn into the sharp debate about densities and preferences as between flats and houses — and this is where the link with the Ministry of Town and Country Planning proved so important .
15 This was not entirely a semantic shift , and was to foreshadow a much wider change in attitude to the relationship between the state and the economy , which was to be felt throughout the 1980s .
16 The decision is part of a much wider shift in government thinking , in which Mr Patten has clearly been given Cabinet permission to distance his own policy from that of predecessors , such as Michael Heseltine , and , to a lesser extent , Mr Ridley , now Trade and Industry Secretary , who believed that economic success depended on getting the planner off the backs of business and citizen alike .
17 The wrangle over airline stakes has already forced British Airways to rethink its plans , and the much wider argument over farm policies is still holding up the long-delayed Uruguay round of GATT talks on the further liberalisation of international trade .
18 But if they become a normal event , all papers prepared for Council will have to be written with a much wider audience in mind .
19 At the present stage of development of US television , on the other hand , the schedules of the majority viewing channels ( and this is of course complicated by the much wider dissemination of cable ) are stripped in a way which concentrates particular genres and subgenres within the same time-slot : the competition is directed quite blatantly at the same demographic group or taste constituency , and , characteristically , for the network viewer , the choice is within genres and subgenres rather between them .
20 But psychology 's methodological gender biases are embedded in a much wider set of gender relations , which feminist psychologists tend to underestimate .
21 In the twentieth century , and particularly after 1918 , spatial inequalities nationally and regionally attracted more attention , and in tackling problems of town growth and redevelopment , a much wider frame of reference became obvious .
22 I spoke about the much wider use of timetable motions .
23 It is important to remember , though , that the production need not have been a full-time or permanent occupation , nor necessarily an urban-based activity , as the much wider pattern of small- and large-scale production demonstrates .
24 We have seen that the difficulty of obtaining the gratuitous services of suitable persons to act as trustees has necessarily led to the practice of reposing an ever wider range of discretion in those who can only thus be persuaded to act .
25 ‘ Rover stands out for the dogged determination with which its faced a world recession , for introducing an ever wider range of quality cars and for the spectacular success of Land Rover ’
26 They are now certain an explosion was caused by Pentrite , a plastic explosive which requires much less skill to handle than Semtex and has been used by a far wider range of terrorist groups .
27 If teachers are to assume a greater role in the control of their own organisations a far wider range of knowledge and skills is required than if they are to remain ‘ in the classroom ’ — they must move from the restricted to the extended approach .
28 There is a far wider use of management ‘ generalists ’ than is typically the case under the Weberian model of specialization and credentialization .
29 On the other hand , graduates with a joint degree often have an even wider range of employment opportunities .
30 As well as being able to select from an even wider range of information , Prestel customers can actually make bookings and have them confirmed and will , increasingly , be able to buy a wide range of goods and services using their credit cards to pay .
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