Example sentences of "[adv] played a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Profits are well up , cost reduction obviously played a major part in this and the F T group is er , fifty five percent up on last year and this is against the background of a five percent drop in advertisement volume and we have an eleven percent drop in advertisement volume from the continent of Europe erm , which of course does n't affect other national newspapers .
2 People have fallen in love for stranger reasons , but music has obviously played a central role in their marriage .
3 When comparative efficiency is taken into account , such a degree of concentration can not be directly explained by Britain 's reliance on international trade , though its traditional international role had obviously played an important part in conditioning business horizons .
4 The SDP leader Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson had declared that his party could not continue to participate in the previous PP-SDP-PA centre-left coalition arrangement without a clear consensus on two key policy issues : Iceland 's position in EFTA negotiations with the European Communities ( EC ) , in which he had personally played a leading role as Foreign Minister , and a proposed US$1,000 million project to build a new aluminium smelting plant south of Reykjavik .
5 Suffice it to say that in this field voluntary effort has long played a considerable part and there are signs that it intends to increase its contribution to this field .
6 However , the development of Australian unions has been markedly and uniquely influenced by the institutional support given to them by the federal arbitration system which has long played a fundamental role in wage-determination and the settlement of disputes ( see Chapter 5 ) .
7 After 1534 , Henry began to issue ecclesiastical injunctions on his own authority ; in 1535 his secretary of state , Thomas Cromwell , who had already played a major role in engineering the break with Rome , was appointed vicegerent or vicar-general of the church .
8 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
9 As a Class 2 Port Operator , Driver Oliver had already played a full part in the discharge of many of the vessels , but everyone took their turn at sentry duty in the trenches protecting the squadron location .
10 The state has always played a critical role in fostering the development of a capitalist economy ( Baran and Sweezy , 1966 ) .
11 ‘ Art has always played a major part in my life — both my parents are painters .
12 From Table 9.6(a) it can be seen that bank financing has always played a major part in financing British industrial and commercial companies .
13 Luck has always played a key role in doing the pools , but half the fun was thinking that skill mattered .
14 But faith has always played a big part in the game , and in France they have often made things happen simply by believing .
15 Broadcasting has always played a big part in our lives , and still does .
16 Suicide has always played a big role in Greenland .
17 In the UK , franchising has always played a significant role , although relations between franchisor and franchisee have not always been smooth , according to the report .
18 Music had always played an important part in the lives of the Minogue family .
19 Film had always played an important part in the admiral 's career ( he had founded the Royal Naval Film Corporation ) , and rather than write his autobiography , he had recorded , with John Terraine as questioner , some seven hours of reflection on his life and personal relationships , and had left instructions that none of it was to be shown publicly until after his death .
20 The discount market The discount market has always played an important role within the financial system .
21 ‘ Freight movements have always played an important role here and our planned future growth encompasses this important sector of the airline market .
22 However , accountants , who also ought to be concerned with the concepts of accountability listed under Divisions I and II , have not traditionally played a major role .
23 Generally , the law has traditionally played a minimal role in controlling the use of sanctions at school .
24 The armed forces have traditionally played a prominent role in Thai politics .
25 As Lewis and Piachaud point out in their chapter here , unmarried women have traditionally played a significant role in the care of elderly parents and other relatives and the same appears to be true today .
26 It has also played a central part in promoting management education in Wales : in 1977 it was designated as the Regional Management Centre for the Principality .
27 It concluded that Gratz had also played a key role in the affair and had intervened to have Proksch released from preventive detention in 1985 .
28 The Ministry of Information had also played a leading part in lauding the military qualities of the Soviet ally , and indeed many other of its domestic accomplishments : in February 1943 it organised a meeting at the Albert Hall to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Red Army .
29 The Gas Turbine division has also played a leading role in this area and is pioneering the concept of total maintenance [ health care ] contracts for critical power packs both on and offshore .
30 Similarly the FDP campaign was dominated by Hans-Dietrich Genscher , the longstanding Foreign Minister who had also played a leading role in the unification process , and FDP posters urged the electorate to " Vote for the Germany the world trusts ! " .
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