Example sentences of "[adv] to meet the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Growth follows the direction of the arrow — perhaps to meet the other half-span if this were truly a bridge .
2 Drop into Albert Eickhof 's truly international designer fashion store , if you dare pass through the video-framed doorway , only to meet the intimidating glare of Europe 's most menacing sales staff .
3 The reason for this shift , according to Marglin , was not the higher efficiency of factory production compared to home-working under the putting-out system , but because the merchants could not force the home-workers to work hard enough to meet the increased demand for cotton .
4 The Wall Street Journal figures current management is n't strong enough to meet the mounting crisis but does n't know yet whether Akers is loosing the support of his board .
5 But there still were n't enough to meet the enormous demand .
6 It is to be hoped that data-base technology can be developed quickly enough to meet the imminent requirements for data management in very large hyper-bases .
7 The most difficult part of the journey had been the hitch-hike from Udine to Treviso , but at Treviso he had been lucky enough to meet the local head of the Allied Military Government , who occupied another luxurious villa .
8 Another , quite separate , reason why the idea of watertight categories of psychosis has never seemed very plausible to psychologists stems from the difficulty of defining the outer boundaries of insanity and the existence of so-called ‘ borderline ’ disorders that carry the overall flavour of schizophrenia or manic-depression , but which are not severe enough to meet the diagnostic criteria for either .
9 Of course , for the wealthiest strata there is always the option of sending their children to elite private schools , while other urban parents make sacrifices to send their children to the fee-paying schools which have sprung up since 1977 especially to meet the unfulfilled demand for secondary education .
10 Walker ( 1975 ) has noted that mature students who did not satisfy the GER obtained significantly better degree results than all students while mature students who satisfied the GER did not differ significantly from the norm , and in seeking an explanation for this he points to the fact that those who did not satisfy the GER are on average somewhat older and can be seen as genuine returners , rather than students who have taken longer to meet the traditional qualifications .
11 Therefore , I regret Labour 's stated intention of abolishing all museums charges , because that would remove from museums the opportunity to be flexible about staying open later , to improve services and generally to meet the added requirements of the public .
12 What was it you said about coming specially to meet the wild man of the wilderness ?
13 In a business environment of increasingly rapid change , industries such as component manufacturers , that have a supplier relationship with another industry , may be forced to expand internationally to meet the changing needs of their customers .
14 It may even be possible that house prices have merely adjusted upwards to meet the extra spending power of those obtaining mortgages with tax relief attached .
15 Their imaginations are eager to go rather more than half-way to meet the audacious writer .
16 Microsoft have already moved strongly to meet the new generation of MS-DOS multimedia computers which is about to emerge .
17 well of a net , that to deal with claims er prospective claims , the future claims , of course all the existing policy holders have been paid and the premium trust funds are there to meet the future liabilities without
18 accept the point that 's been made , we 've got to remember that the commitments that are are contained in the band six to ten miles , are principally there to meet the general requirements arising in the districts
19 Even in these circumstances , furthermore , the protector would ideally be flying overseas to meet the overseas trustees to consider the particular problems and to make the appropriate decisions .
20 Wexford grasped it in both his hands , raised it high and brought it down hard to meet the empty air .
21 Angel One took one swift pace forward to meet the oncoming Satan , and his blood-smeared right hand pistoned forward , fingers extended and ramrod stiff .
22 If our partnership is a genuine and practical one , we can go forward to meet the difficult challenges which face us .
23 I hope that Opposition Members will accept in good faith the undertakings given by my right hon. and learned Friend and myself and that they will accept that we seek to find the best possible way forward to meet the important points about victimisation .
24 To his right the hill rose up above where he stood , then fell again to meet the next turn of the river .
25 Another way of viewing them , however , is from the bottom up : as expressions of concern about the ability of the Conservative party adequately to meet the new challenges .
26 Book with confidence that Tangney Tours are ABTA Bonded , adequately to meet the legal requirements of Tour Operators in 1993 .
27 Book with confidence that Tangney Tours are ABTA Bonded , adequately to meet the legal requirements of Tour Operators in 1993 .
28 She was resigned never to meet the right man .
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