Example sentences of "[adv] easy [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's so easy to do in rehearsal and yet , when that moment comes , something happens to your throat .
2 It is so easy to judge by externals .
3 ‘ Of course , if you get married now , ’ Aunt Lilian said , ‘ you may not find it so easy to get into politics . ’
4 ‘ There 's usually a lot of tension on movie sets , but on these films it 's so easy to work in unison .
5 There are also some people who ‘ specialize ’ in babies and young children and they may find it less easy to empathize with teenagers and handle them wisely .
6 Such precautions are less easy to ensure in DRAs where public services and technical assistance are usually less extensive or efficient than elsewhere .
7 Delicious dates come from the Middle East , and are especially easy to obtain at Christmas time .
8 I 'm going to , as will become evident , mainly focus on the diary , because that 's where at least eighty percent of the data resides , and it 's the bit that 's most easy to get to grips with .
9 As its range is from 5.9 to 6.9 , it is always easy to see with binoculars of any magnification .
10 Tail slightly forked , but fork not always easy to see in flight .
11 These two cases , although subjected to criticism , seem to strengthen copyright protection notwithstanding that the " look and feel " test is not always easy to apply in practice .
12 This simple distinction is not always easy to apply in practice because hardware equipment often incorporates software and the contractual position of " off-the-shelf " software is far from clear .
13 The distinction is not always easy to keep in mind : Lord Denning , Britain 's most experienced judge in defamation cases , published a book in which he criticised a jury in Bristol for acquitting defendants who had been charged with rioting .
14 bit more easy to get to grips with the physical stuff
15 Nonsense , said I ; it was still perfectly easy to get around London .
16 Because for some people it 's as easy to get into Newcastle as it is into .
17 At the infrastructural level , the highways and transport system of Israel , Gaza and the West Bank were developed in such a way that it became increasingly easy to drive from Israel direct to one of the West Bank Jewish settlements without passing through Arab population centres .
18 This is quite easy to demonstrate by means of the Yes / No -test :
19 If that 's under control that 'll be quite easy to demonstrate in the print shop , quite easy to demonstrate in Maries too .
20 It was quite easy to decide on age weighting and a factor to take account of pupil numbers .
21 It 's quite easy to get to £50 a week just for basic essentials like stable and grazing rental , bedding and feed .
22 Probably the most interesting object is the open cluster NGC 2244 , round the star 12 Monocerotis ( 5.8 ) ; it is quite easy to locate with binoculars , and I am rather surprised that it is not included in the Messier list .
23 There is a powerful argument that as far as sexual behaviour is concerned , an area in which consent makes the difference between gross violation and shared pleasure , and in which physical proximity makes it relatively easy to ask about consent , the law should in effect impose a duty to enquire .
24 It is relatively easy to tell with clothing or fishing reels , even shotgun cartridges have different loadings , but surely an artist 's paintbrush is an artist 's paintbrush ?
25 This distinction may be relatively easy to make in memory for situations encountered when driving .
26 With the exception of Samna IV none of the products mentioned will give you any sort of WYSIWYG display on a PC whereas an Apple Macintosh almost always gives a WYSIWYG display , but with a little perseverance it is relatively easy to convert from typescript to pseudo typeset for just the cost of a page printer .
27 It is relatively easy to legislate against CFCs — but they may persist in the atmosphere for 100 years , and so will continue to build up ; and it is far harder to suppress N 2 0 production .
28 Electronic Mail ( E-mail ) is probably the least easy to configure under Mainlan , and indeed it took me a while to sort out exactly what was required to get a sensible system running .
29 As you know , it 's pretty easy to stay within R & A guidelines as long as any kinks in the shaft are within so many inches of the putter head and so on .
30 ‘ The maths may seem complicated , but breeding indices work very well and are very easy to use in practice .
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