Example sentences of "[adv] set [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , my 10-year-old cupressus was busy stifling a display of daffodils , nicely set off by purple aubrieta .
2 But the Swiss Confederation of all 23 cantons was only set up in 1848 .
3 The group was hardly set back at all by the major extinction at the end of the Cretaceous , and has never been more varied than it is today .
4 Ostensibly set up in 1928 with the aim of promoting the development of French proletarian literature and propagating the sectarian cultural views of RAPP ( the Association of Soviet Proletarian Writers ) , Monde became in the hands of Barbusse the site of cultural collaboration between communists and non-communists alike .
5 Psychological experiments of the rats-in-mazes kind are always set up in such a way that , even if the animals concerned had been capable of exercising individual judgement in such a way as to wreck the experiment , this fact would escape detection .
6 The National Curriculum English Working Group was formally set up on 29 April 1988 by the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales to advise on attainment targets , programmes of study and associated assessment arrangements for English in the National Curriculum for the period of compulsory schooling .
7 This example page , which is also set out at one second of runtime per line , shows that the original sync sound transfers continue without a break , but additional background sound ( voices ) is to be faded in at the beginning of shot 18 .
8 The difficulty is that a like conditional ( derived from the independent conditional ( 6 ) also set out in 1.3 ) may well be true of b .
9 Setting of fees is the responsibility of the client partner and should be clearly set out in any engagement letter .
10 None of the other superhuman beings is described as inherently shy or fearful , a further indication of their being conceptually set apart from human beings .
11 Some writers probably set off with that idea in the back of their minds , but up to now Hannah has disarmed them all .
12 After US obstruction , a Committee of the Board of Governors of the IMF was eventually set up for this purpose late in 1972 .
13 You will understand that you will be required in the execution of any agreement for the purchase and sale of the company to acknowledge that you have not relied on or been induced to enter into such agreement by any representation or warranty other than expressly set forth in such agreement subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be specified therein .
14 9.6 Rights easements etc The [ operation of the Law of Property Act 1925 Section 62 shall be excluded from this Lease and the only rights granted to the Tenant are those expressly set out in this Lease [ and such further ancillary rights that arise under the general law or by necessary implication ] and the Tenant shall not by virtue of this Lease be deemed to have acquired or be entitled to and the ] Tenant shall not during the Term acquire or become entitled by any means whatever to any easement from or over or affecting any other land or Premises now or at any time after the date of this Lease belonging to the Landlord and not comprised in this Lease Section 62 of the Law of Property Act 1925 provides that a lease is deemed to include , in the absence of any contrary intention , all easements , rights and advantages appertaining or reputed to appertain to the premises at the time of the lease .
15 9.11 Representations The Tenant acknowledges that this Lease has not been entered into in reliance wholly or partly on any statement or representation made by or on behalf of the Landlord except any such statement or representation that is expressly set out in this Lease This is self-explanatory but see the comments on misrepresentation under clause 11 of the agreement for lease .
16 Local authorities can do nothing that is not expressly set out in some Act of Parliament .
17 In the middle ages the lord of the manor was regarded as legally responsible for the relief of the poor and one-quarter of the church tithes were also customarily set aside for this purpose .
18 So until we have fairly set out upon that road , how can we really hope to understand the inner beings of other creatures ?
19 Many have thought it an objectionable feature of utilitarianism , in its classic formulations , that pleasure and pain are supposedly set off against each other in this simple way .
20 Secondly , a royal commission , originally set up in 1987 to investigate the alarmingly high rates of Aboriginal deaths in police and prison custody , expanded its brief to become a wide ranging inquiry into the conditions under which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities live .
21 Codasyl ( COmmittee of DAta SYstems Languages ) originally set up in 1959 is a group of commercial and government computer users in the United States , and representatives from the computer manufacturing world .
22 One-o-one squadron originally set up in 1917 , was reformed in 1984 as one of only two refuelling squadrons , after the Falklands had shown a strategic use of air-to-air refuelling .
23 The research will seek to show how the Council , originally set up in mid-nineteenth century when medical practice was greatly different from today , has responded to the changed circumstances .
24 Now he was fit to continue the game originally set out in this paper concerned with the sociological conditions in factory estates and the attitude of dogs to someone else 's underwear .
25 I am happy to confirm the Government 's commitment to Trident , as so frequently set out in this House .
26 Although women were proportionately less successful than men in being elected ( 24% of them came first as against 35% of men ) , 1990 resumed the upward trend in female participation in local elections which had been so strangely set back in 1988 .
27 In a country without a written constitution , the work of Bagehot , Dicey , and Jennings , has actually been the written codification of the customs , conventions , precedents , and traditions that have never been simply set down in single , legal document .
28 The men immediately set off in one direction , scrambling down through the trees and undergrowth towards the subsidiary valley where the shot had sounded .
29 Although initially set up in direct opposition to the policies of the Thatcher government , the implications for local government structures are similar , with a move away from direct electoral representation towards a greater concern for the representation of functional interests .
30 The SDA was initially set up in 1975 ‘ to provide a regional dimension to complement the UK-wide sectoral interventionism of the National Enterprise Board ( NEB ) ’ ( Moor , 1986 , p. 8 ) .
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