Example sentences of "[adv] left [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The biggest danger , however , comes from within : a key carelessly left in the lock .
2 As the last wave periscoped up , with only a minute or so left in the heat , Pottz knew he had to take it : he needed a fourth wave to beat Carroll .
3 She asked for the secretary and launched on a long story about phoning from a restaurant where a pair of leather gloves had been found apparently left by the lady with Mr Johnston whom one of the waiters had remembered seeing at the sports club .
4 The real world has long left behind the age when old so-and-so could decide ‘ I rather like this slogan ’ or ‘ My constituents think we ought to do such and such ’ without that ‘ feeling ’ being backed up by professional research and experience .
5 The barge carrying the body springs a leak , his ceremonial uniform is soaked as he frantically bales , he worries about the expensive watch which he has inadvertently left on the coffin , the ceremony leaves him with a bad cold which he tries , not altogether successfully , to hide when he is presented to the King .
6 This ensures nothing is inadvertently left inside the patient , although modern-day swabs do show up on X-rays .
7 It is with meaning , as the publicly accessible and thus objective constituent of texts , that literary criticism must be concerned ; effect , being both variable and private , is much better left outside the field of enquiry .
8 Correction — they 're better left on the page .
9 Women who could carry a child under each arm on a day 's shopping trip were told they were not strong enough to do men 's work ; that lifting and lugging were better left to the lads after all .
10 He and his colleagues were understandably concerned about the lack of evidence to support the beneficial claims of holistic medicine , but Dr Richards , who thought much evidence could be produced if funds were available , sagely remarked that ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ , a remark that lingered after a discussion that would have been better if longer and better left to the end of this excellent series .
11 If the reader was nevertheless left with the feeling that music counted for most , it was partly because the bulk of the long treatise was in fact about music and nothing else .
12 Thus it seemed that physics was more mature then chemistry , and had already left behind the stage of effervescent and explosive progress in which that science was still so visibly engaged .
13 The secretaries have got it this time , and we are just left at the bottom of the ladder again .
14 We 're just left with the memories of Peter and Gwenda .
15 When Elvis went into the Army , were you guys just left on the shelf ?
16 When it is safe , give a right turn signal and as soon as you can do so take safely , take up position just left of the middle of the road or in the space marked by right turned vehicles , if you can leave room for other vehicles to pass on the left , wait until there is a safe gap between you and any oncoming vehicle , looking , look out of sight for motor cyclists and pedestrians , then make a turn , but do not cut the corner as people like pedestrians crossing the road in which you are turning .
17 Continue through two gates , heading for just left of the farm on the skyline .
18 Just left of the needle is a steep wall with two lines for those who like bold climbing .
19 A lot of things are yet to happen from where we 've just left off the story .
20 It may need to be tailor-made , and therefore it 's best left to the experts .
21 This is a majestic breed indeed , but one perhaps best left to the experts .
22 The full traverse of its dizzy crest is best left to the experts , but all active visitors should at least make an effort to see its magnificent eastern corrie , Coire Toll an Lochain , the showpiece of the mountain .
23 While a back scrub or massage can be done at home , getting rid of spots or blackheads is best left to the professionals .
24 Serious Maintenance is best left to the professionals but here are three simple things you can do for yourself .
25 Well , no , you can not breed Killifish as you would Zebra Danios or Angelfish and it 's true that some are best left to the specialist .
26 Now , I 'm all for the members of the Great British Public knowing a great deal more about the nostrums they consume , and having the information needed to help them share in deciding which are worth having and when , and which are best left to the birds .
27 They ignored pressure from the Central Authority to await common agreement on a matter they were surely right in considering as one best left to the judgement of each area according to local conditions .
28 The image depressed him ; if that was heaven it was best left to the cherubim and seraphim who might be turned on by that sort of thing .
29 Valdostana whites best left to the animals , according to Gioachino , Ski West 's man on the inside and our gastro guida for the duration .
30 It is scarcely feasible for the communes to set up the apparatus to assess local household incomes ; this is a matter that is best left to the republics and provinces .
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