Example sentences of "[adv] look [adv prt] for the " in BNC.

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1 So look out for the strong , the peculiar , the characteristic symptoms , any general symptoms that run through the case in different areas of the body and any chances in the mental state of the patient .
2 The second National Prune Week takes place February 18–24 , so look out for the California Prune Board 's displays .
3 You can now buy phosphate free washing powder , cream cleaners an multi-purpose liquid cleaner in all stores so look out for the " phosphate-free " symbols appearing on products .
4 ‘ So if you want to hear the most wretched sound ever invented , just look out for the next album … ! ’
5 Meanwhile look out for the new Fashion Editor Edwardian-style frock coats with their theatrical , dandyish look .
6 While rejoicing in the first full month of the closed fishing season also look out for the pale new leaves of spring .
7 Also look out for the following :
8 Tomorrow look out for the last two — from Germany and Britain 's very own Silverstone .
9 Please look out for the enclosed special offers from WWF .
10 Pray for an opportunity to speak to them ( and then look out for the opportunity during the week ) .
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