Example sentences of "[adv] found [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore we can assume that there are 3 minor pentatonic scales all found in the key of G Major : ie. A , B and E minor pentatonics .
2 The Roman relics , all found in the area , include a large Orpheus mosaic and an important collection of terra sigilata .
3 It 's also very rare , being only found on the clay belt between Oxford and Peterborough .
4 The theorem of minimum potential energy ( see , for example , Sokolnikoff ( 1956 ) ) states that the strain energy for any fictitious non-equilibrium state of distortion is always greater than the actual strain energy for the same surface displacements ( or equivalently , that the minimum strain energy is only found for the equilibrium state ) .
5 The genus Pentstemon is only found in the USA and will be well known to alpine gardeners who grow the sub-shrubby species in troughs , screes or rock gardens .
6 Winster Wetlands , just south of Windermere , supports many plant communities only found in the Lake District , while Ennerdale Fell to the west of the national park is a good example of how plant communities change with increasing altitude .
7 Surprisingly , the complete protein sequence is completely devoid of histidine residues and the aromatic amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine are only found in the POU domain .
8 In more complex animals , consistencies are not easily found on the surface and many of us feel the need to postulate structural regularity beneath the surface if we are to make sense of what we see .
9 It is easily found near the cluster M11 ; λ and 12 Aquilæ act as guides but both are too bright to be useful comparison stars , and so is α Scuti .
10 Experienced rockpoolers appreciate that these low level pools can prove to be the most interesting , with a varied selection of life , including many species which are not normally found on the shore .
11 The thrush organism , Candida albicans , is a yeast which is normally found on the skin .
12 They are normally found on the plant , exposed as with caterpillars , or concealed , like sawfly and tortrix larvae .
13 Only very fine particles , those with diameters less than 0–2 mm , are carried in suspension by the winds normally found at the surface of the earth .
14 Indeed , they have the same cytological and immunophenotypic characteristics as the B cells that are normally found around the mantle zone of Pyer 's patches .
15 GRAPHICS ACCELERATOR CARDS : These cards plug into an ISA slot and have a separate processor on them , pre-programmed with certain basic routines normally found in the software , like screen scrolling .
16 The six foot long tube worms are more normally found in the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico .
17 In addition , several studies have demonstrated that the amounts of prostacyclin normally found in the circulation are probably too low to have an appreciable effect on platelets ( Steer et al , 1980 ; Haslam & McClenaghan , 1981 ; Greaves & Preston , 1982 ) , and endothelial cells in culture produce little prostacyclin unless stimulated by thrombin for instance ( Weksler et al , 1977 ) .
18 It likes damp , moist , airless places with a slightly more alkaline pH than is normally found in the vagina ( normally slightly acid ) .
19 Now one of the interesting cameos of God 's providence , prominently found in the Talmud and among the Hasidim , is the idea that in every generation are 36 tsadihim , pious or righteous men , who ( though unknown ) keep the world going .
20 LABELS — These carry valuable performance data based on laboratory testing and are generally found on the back of the carpet samples .
21 Hard cellulite : This is the toughest to deal with and is generally found on the thighs .
22 Such ice is rare and generally found near the coast .
23 Wasters , as old Sam once said , ‘ are their own worst enemies , though they are generally found amongst the ranks of those who rail at the injustices of the world . ’
24 It 's contracting not only as regards the Walsall trade , but for the simple reason that hides and skins at ma v very largely found in the countries of Asia , Africa and South America .
25 ‘ Full many a glorious morning ’ has been ruined and disgraced by ‘ the basest clouds ’ : They ‘ may ’ stain : the ambiguity of the verb ( ‘ it can happen ’ ; ‘ it is allowed ’ ) points up the ambivalence of feeling , for the poem is clearly another example of a strategy we have already found in the Mistress poems , an apparent exculpation which is in fact an indictment .
26 The sala terrena is decorated with stucco and frescos of the Trojan Wars by Bianco ( 1630 ) , continuing the warrior theme already found in the decoration of the palace .
27 Generally , it is thought that because they are disproportionately found in the hard to let properties , that they will have neither the means nor the desire to buy .
28 And it is now recognised that the great mountain chains are always found on the side of the continental plate facing the direction of its drift .
29 The lanthanide elements in particular are almost always found in the form of complexes of ions , and each element has its own characteristic color .
30 The galaxy , known as IRAS F10214+4724 , is in fact the most luminous object ever found in the universe .
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