Example sentences of "[adv] far [conj] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've heard no hevidence so far that the poor lady did . ’
2 I think it is fair to say that erm all the detailed surveys which have been taken have tended to support the findings from the one to fifty thousand map in so far that the various developments proposed to the west and to the south have include quite large elements of grade two land , whereas the se proposals to the north a tend to be grade three land .
3 However , Mr Major made his frankest admission so far that the Tory campaign had been dogged by the recession .
4 This is the most likely , in so far as the threatened deposition of Edward V would provide the strongest reason for Hastings to switch sides , but in that case any conspiracy becomes the result , and not the cause , of Gloucester 's decision to take the throne .
5 This is the most likely , in so far as the threatened deposition of Edward V would provide the strongest reason for Hastings to switch sides , but in that case any conspiracy becomes the result , and not the cause , of Gloucester 's decision to take the throne .
6 So far as the economic cost is concerned , unemployment represents a waste of resources and means that the economy is producing a lower rate of output .
7 So far as the economic aspects of devaluation were concerned , the situation was almost bizarre : there was little understanding of the interaction between devaluation and various parts of domestic economic policy , no careful or considered analysis of the appropriate rate , and no perception of how sterling fitted into the international structure of exchange rates or , more immediately , whether the problem stemmed from the weakness of sterling or the strength of the dollar ( see Chapter 6 ) .
8 So far as the deaccessioning issue is concerned , Mummies reveals that , for all his fervent declaration about searching for works of surpassing quality , his attitude towards art and the museum 's permanent collection is dismissive and ignorant .
9 I accept completely what the honourable member for erm Truro Truro actually said in his speech just er that he just made , absolutely right that the cultural and the geographical identity of people matters so far as the European parliament is concerned and in respect of our responsibility , the responsibility of this house to citizens of Gibraltar .
10 In so far as the political stability of mid-century depended upon the success of the king 's cause in France , it was shallowly based .
11 So far as the early history of the emancipation process is concerned Field 's position is probably stronger than Zakharova 's , for although Nicholas I 's call for a militia gave rise to disturbances among the peasantry in 1855 , although almost all the memoranda which circulated in private during the Crimean War referred to the possibility of peasant risings , and although Alexander II alluded to the prospect of rural uprisings both in his speech to the Moscow gentry and in his comments on the papers submitted to him by Haxthausen , it is hard to prove that rural developments took pride of place among the reasons for setting reform in train .
12 So far as the general public is concerned , as well as the churches which minister to that public , the works cited above might never have been produced .
13 So far as the general public is concerned , New Testament history offers a striking contrast .
14 Each is covered almost immediately and , so far as the general public is concerned , left virtually without trace .
15 In so far as the general picture is intelligible , it appears that we are dealing with a group of warlords in the north , some of whom could claim to be upholding Roman jurisdiction .
16 As we shall see later , this may happen anyway , but , in so far as the financial analysis is meant to estimate the increase in value of the corporation to the shareholder , the system surely should do its best to meet that objective and to narrow the scope for obfuscating the effect upon shareholder wealth .
17 The first was the extent , if at all , to which the provisions of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 had altered the position , so far as the visitorial functions relating to disbarment were concerned .
18 Hypocrisy entered this pattern of behaviour only in so far as the bourgeois women were supposed to remain entirely outside the game , and therefore in ignorance of what the men , and women other than themselves , were up to .
19 As I have often said , I believe that Israel within her pre-1967 frontiers is a democracy , which is not true of many , if any , other states in that part of the world , but she is not a democracy in so far as the occupied territories are concerned .
20 In any political conflict the king always tended , so far as the ordinary man was concerned , to be given the benefit of the doubt .
21 So far as the actual patterns of support are concerned , one can say more confidently that these have not simply declined from a high point , but have undergone various changes and fluctuations , according to the circumstances under which people lived .
22 So far as the actual preparation is concerned , Rawlinson believes there is a need for greater flexibility .
23 So far as the civil law was concerned , heirs inherited liability to pay debts in equal shares ; the maxim nomina ipso iure divisa is familiar .
24 Equally , so far as the civil law was concerned , a request phrased in terms of a trust to one of the heirs to pay all debts would be ineffective .
25 Simple instances , on the other hand , are those in which the clause seems to have been adopted to cover the eventuality that there may be some defect in the will so far as the civil law is concerned .
26 In so far as the typical client can be identified from the survey information , he is likely to be a male owner-occupier aged between 25 and 34 and be himself a member of the professional or employers and managers socio-economic group .
27 So far as the Grand Junction Canal company itself is concerned , it is all a matter of inference and speculation .
28 In so far as the poor did not crowd into the old central districts abandoned by their betters , their dwellings were built by small speculative builders , often little more than artisans , or by the constructors of those gaunt , overflowing tenement blocks expressively known in German as ‘ rent barracks ’ ( Mietskasernen ) .
29 I said to the Prime Minister : Make certain — and surely , in face of all this trouble it is worthwhile making certain — that you have the will of the country behind you , and , so far as the Unionist party are concerned , we will absolutely cease all unconstitutional opposition to the carrying of your measure .
30 In so far as the historic cost pricing rules applied , the large consumers were subsidised like others initially , but , by the mid-1950s , their prices probably reflected long-run costs fairly accurately ( though they correctly , if somewhat ineffectively , complained about the continuing subsidy to the domestic consumer , which they suspected but could not prove ) .
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